I have a function f($x$) given by the expression
$$f (x) = \frac{\left(1+x\left[1-\sqrt{1+x^2}\right]\right)^2-x+x^3\left[1-\sqrt{1+x^2}\right]^2}{1+x^2\left(1-\sqrt{1+x^2}\right)^2}$$
and would like to expand it for two limits of $x$: $x \gg 1$ and $x \ll 1$. From the posts I've read here, there seems to be a simple 'command' to do so in Mathematica:
$$x \gg 1 \longrightarrow \text{Series}\left[f(x),\{x,\text{Infinity},4\}\right]$$
$$x \ll 1 \longrightarrow \text{Series}\left[f(x),\{x,0,4\}\right]$$
Since I am quite new to this, I am a bit confused about how this works. Why is it that for $x \gg 1$ we consider Infinity, and for the other limit we consider $x = 0$? From the documentation, Series 'generates a power series expansion for f about the point x=x0', and I cannot understand why this is the same as our situation.
is the key to the choice of the point for expansion. In terms of asymptotic expansions, Wikipedia is typically opaque, but for "the point x=0," take in the Wikipedia article $L = x_0$ and for finite $x_0$, $\varphi_n(x) = (x-x_0)^n$ 'in the limit $x \rightarrow x_0$'; and in the limit $x_0\rightarrow\infty$, $\varphi_n(x)=x^{-n}$. $\endgroup$