We extend time interval up to 41 Pi
to cover all 20 impulse in Sum[DiracDelta[(t - i T)/T], {i, 1, 20}]
for T=2 Pi
. It looks like this system is unstable at K1>0.0662
for T=2 Pi
and {t,0,41 Pi}
. Last stable solution at K1=0.06614, T=2 Pi
computed with this code with option Method -> "ExplicitEuler"
g1 = 1; g = 1; K1 = .06614; \[Omega]1 = .5; \[Alpha] = \[Pi]/
3; T = 2 Pi;
sol1x = NDSolve[{x1'[t] ==
g1*Sqrt[10 x1[t]] Sin[
x2[t]] (-0.5*Abs[x4[t]]^2*Cos[\[Alpha]] +
0.5*Conjugate[x3[t]]*x4[t]*Sin[\[Alpha]] +
0.5*Abs[x3[t]]^2*Cos[\[Alpha]] +
0.5*Conjugate[x4[t]]*x3[t]*Sin[\[Alpha]]) -
K1 Sin[x2[t]]*Sum[DiracDelta[(t - i T)/T], {i, 1, 20}] ,
x2'[t] == (-g1/
Sqrt[0.4*x1[t]]) (-0.5*Abs[x4[t]]^2*Cos[\[Alpha]] +
0.5*Conjugate[x3[t]]*x4[t]*Sin[\[Alpha]] +
0.5*Abs[x3[t]]^2*Cos[\[Alpha]] +
0.5*Conjugate[x4[t]]*x3[t]*Sin[\[Alpha]]) + x1[t],
x3'[t] == ((-I*(x3[
t] (0.5 \[Omega]1 +
0.5 g Sqrt[10 x1[t]] Cos[x2[t]]*Cos[\[Alpha]]) +
0.5 x4[t] g Sqrt[10 x1[t]] Cos[x2[t]]*Sin[\[Alpha]]))/
Sqrt[(Abs[x3[t]]^2 + Abs[x4[t]]^2)]),
x4'[t] == ((-I*(x4[
t] (-0.5 \[Omega]1 -
0.5 g Sqrt[10 x1[t]] Cos[x2[t]]*Cos[\[Alpha]]) +
0.5 x3[t] g Sqrt[10 x1[t]] Cos[x2[t]]*Sin[\[Alpha]]))/
Sqrt[(Abs[x3[t]]^2 + Abs[x4[t]]^2)]), x1[0] == 1,
x2[0] == \[Pi]/2, x3[0] == 0, x4[0] == 1}, {x1, x2, x3, x4}, {t,
0, 41 Pi}, Method -> "ExplicitEuler", StartingStepSize -> 0.0002, MaxSteps -> 10^6];
Visualization of stable and unstable numerical solution
LogPlot[Evaluate[Abs[{x1[t], x2[t], x3[t], x4[t]}] /. sol1x[[1]]], {t,
0.1, 41 Pi}, PlotLegends -> {x1, x2, x3, x4}, PlotRange -> All,
PlotLabel -> Row[{"K1 = ", K1}], AxesLabel -> Automatic,
PlotRange -> All]
Note, that with explicit Euler we can compute up to message General::ovfl: Overflow occurred in computation.
at t=115
. We can increase or decrease StartingStepSize
and rationalize to get more precise solution. For the basic case with K1=0.5
we can pass error at t == 9.769456184893095
and visualize what happened with solution after that. Figure 2 shows numerical solution computed with step size 0.001 (left) and 0.0002 (right)
From the last Figure and from the message we suppose, that there is some discontinuity due to DiracDelta
. To remove this discontinuity, we integrate first equation around t= i T
, and finally we have
T = 2 Pi; Integrate[
Sin[x2[t]]*Sum[DiracDelta[(t - i T)/T], {i, 1, 20}], {t, 0, 41 Pi}]
Out[]= 2 \[Pi] (Sin[x2[2 \[Pi]]] + Sin[x2[4 \[Pi]]] +
Sin[x2[6 \[Pi]]] + Sin[x2[8 \[Pi]]] + Sin[x2[10 \[Pi]]] +
Sin[x2[12 \[Pi]]] + Sin[x2[14 \[Pi]]] + Sin[x2[16 \[Pi]]] +
Sin[x2[18 \[Pi]]] + Sin[x2[20 \[Pi]]] + Sin[x2[22 \[Pi]]] +
Sin[x2[24 \[Pi]]] + Sin[x2[26 \[Pi]]] + Sin[x2[28 \[Pi]]] +
Sin[x2[30 \[Pi]]] + Sin[x2[32 \[Pi]]] + Sin[x2[34 \[Pi]]] +
Sin[x2[36 \[Pi]]] + Sin[x2[38 \[Pi]]] + Sin[x2[40 \[Pi]]])
Therefore we can use WhenEvent
instead of Sum
as follows
g1 = 1; g = 1; K1 = 1/2; \[Omega]1 = 1/2; \[Alpha] = \[Pi]/3; T =
2 Pi; eps = 10^-9;
sol1x = NDSolve[{x1'[t] ==
g1*Sqrt[10 x1[t]] Sin[
x2[t]] (-1/2*Abs[x4[t]]^2*Cos[\[Alpha]] +
1/2*Conjugate[x3[t]]*x4[t]*Sin[\[Alpha]] +
1/2*Abs[x3[t]]^2*Cos[\[Alpha]] +
1/2*Conjugate[x4[t]]*x3[t]*Sin[\[Alpha]]) ,
Sqrt[2/5*x1[t]] x2'[
t] == (-g1) (-1/2*Abs[x4[t]]^2*Cos[\[Alpha]] +
1/2*Conjugate[x3[t]]*x4[t]*Sin[\[Alpha]] +
1/2*Abs[x3[t]]^2*Cos[\[Alpha]] +
1/2*Conjugate[x4[t]]*x3[t]*Sin[\[Alpha]]) + x1[t],
Sqrt[(Abs[x3[t]]^2 + Abs[x4[t]]^2)] x3'[
t] == ((-I*(x3[
t] (1/2 \[Omega]1 +
1/2 g Sqrt[10 x1[t]] Cos[x2[t]]*Cos[\[Alpha]]) +
1/2 x4[t] g Sqrt[10 x1[t]] Cos[x2[t]]*Sin[\[Alpha]]))),
Sqrt[(Abs[x3[t]]^2 + Abs[x4[t]]^2)] x4'[
t] == ((-I*(x4[
t] (-1/2 \[Omega]1 -
1/2 g Sqrt[10 x1[t]] Cos[x2[t]]*Cos[\[Alpha]]) +
1/2 x3[t] g Sqrt[10 x1[t]] Cos[x2[t]]*Sin[\[Alpha]]))),
x1[eps] == 1, x2[eps] == \[Pi]/2, x3[eps] == 0, x4[eps] == 1,
WhenEvent[Mod[t, 2 Pi] == 0,
x1[t] -> x1[t] - K1 2 Pi Sin[x2[t]]] }, {x1, x2, x3, x4}, {t, eps,
50}, Method -> "ExplicitEuler", StartingStepSize -> 0.0002,
PrecisionGoal -> 5]
Note, that this code runs up to t=54.9
; you haven't done so in the code you've included. For example, when I setT = 1
, your code runs fine. $\endgroup$NDSolve[{x'[t] == 1/(1 - t)^2, x[0] == 1}, x[t], {t, 0, 2}]
throws the same error because the solution is $x(t) = 1/(1-t)$, which diverges at $t = 1$. So it may just be that your solution really does diverge at some value of $t$. $\endgroup$K1>0.4728251
. Last stable solution atK1>0.4728251, T=2