I am having a hard time trying to solve the following system of ODEs
X'' = e^{2X} + e^{2Y}
Y'' = e^{2Y} - 3 e^{2X}
with initial conditions that mimic a linear behavior of the solutions at $-\infty$. I am using for instance something like
X(u0) = lambdaX * u0
Y(u0) = lambdaY * u0
X'(u0) = lambdaX
Y'(u0) = lambdaY
with $u0 = -10$. The actual values of the parameters $\lambda_X$ and $\lambda_Y$ do not matter much, as long as the solutions are linear at $-\infty$ (ie. both the exponentials have to go to $0$ at $-\infty$, so that $X'' \rightarrow 0$ and $Y'' \rightarrow 0$). I tried for instance with $\lambda_Y = 1.5$ and $\lambda_X = 0.5$.
The basic code that I'm using is something like:
lambdaY = 1.5;
lambdaX = 0.5;
u0 = -10;
sol = NDSolve[{X''[u] == Exp[2 Y[u]] + Exp[2 X[u]], Y''[u] == Exp[2 Y[u]] - 3 Exp[2 X[u]], Y[u0] == u0*lambdaY, X[u0] == u0*lambdaX, Y'[u0] == lambdaY, X'[u0] == lambdaX}, {Y, X}, {u, u0, 10}, Method -> "StiffnessSwitching", AccuracyGoal -> \[Infinity], MaxSteps -> 5000000, InterpolationOrder -> All]
The problem is the usual step size is effectively zero; singularity or stiff system suspected.: the solutions are diverging suddenly at some point and I could not understand what is happening there. I have tried with the standard ways to fix the issue, ie. playing with WorkingPrecision, AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal and changing the Method to StiffnessSwitching but none of these worked. I also tried to redefine the variables like
R = e^{2X}
S = e^{2Y}
but I did not manage to avoid the problem.
I am looking for a solution that is asymptotically linear at $-\infty$ for both functions $X$ and $Y$. I am sure that the solution is a simple one and I am missing something. Any suggestion on how to solve this problem?
Thanks a lot.
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