I'm trying to solve the nonlinear "reaction-diffusion" system with Neumann conditions:
eqns40f={Subscript[\[Alpha], a] D[A[w,t],{w,2}]+Subscript[\[Alpha],a]^2/Subscript[\[Alpha], h] A[w,t]^2/H[w,t]-Subscript[r, a]A[w,t]+Subscript[r, a]==D[A[w,t],t],\[Delta] Subscript[\[Alpha], h] D[H[w,t],{w,2}]+\!\(
\*SubsuperscriptBox[\(\[Alpha]\), \(a\), \(2\)]\
\*SuperscriptBox[\(A[w, t]\), \(2\)]\)-Subscript[r, h] H[w,t] +Subscript[r, h]==D[H[w,t],t],Derivative[1,0][A][0,t]==0,Derivative[1,0][A][\[Pi],t]==0,Derivative[1,0][H][0,t]==0,Derivative[1,0][H][\[Pi],t]==0,A[w,0]==Cos[2w],H[w,0]==Cos[3 w]}/.{Subscript[\[Alpha], h]-> 2, Subscript[\[Alpha], a]->3}
$r_a=3;\alpha _h=2;r_h=\frac{3}{2}; \delta = 2,\alpha _a = 3;$ $\text{eqns40f}=\left\{\frac{\alpha _a^2 A(w,t)^2}{\alpha _h H(w,t)}-r_a A(w,t)+\alpha _a \frac{\partial ^2A(w,t)}{\partial w^2}+r_a=\frac{\partial A(w,t)}{\partial t},\alpha _a^2 A(w,t)^2-r_h H(w,t)+\delta \alpha _h \frac{\partial ^2H(w,t)}{\partial w^2}+r_h=\frac{\partial H(w,t)}{\partial t},A^{(1,0)}(0,t)=0,A^{(1,0)}(\pi ,t)=0,H^{(1,0)}(0,t)=0,H^{(1,0)}(\pi ,t)=0,A(w,0)=\cos (2 w),H(w,0)=\cos (3 w)\right\};$ $\text{sol40f}=\text{NDSolve}[\text{eqns40f},\{A,H\},\{w,0,\pi\},\{t,0,100\}];$
But the next errors emerge:
NDSolve::ibcinc: Warning: boundary and initial conditions are inconsistent.
NDSolve::ndsz: At t == 1.047627475220518`*^-17, step size is effectively zero; >singularity or stiff system suspected.
NDSolve::eerr: Warning: scaled local spatial error estimate of 1163.0196390315273
at t = 1.047627475220518
*^-17 in the direction of independent variable w is much greater than the prescribed error tolerance. Grid spacing with 29 points may be too large to achieve the desired accuracy or precision. A singularity may have formed or a smaller grid spacing can be specified using the MaxStepSize or MinPoints method options.
Boundary and initial conditions are actually consistent.
warning can be found here. Then, the(Subscript[\[Alpha], a]^2*A[w, t]^2)/(Subscript[\[Alpha], h]*H[w, t])
term is suspicious, because this apparently causes singularity at beginning under the given i.c.. $\endgroup$