Here's my method using GroebenerBasis which transforms the original expression to an equivalent 4th degree polynomial. I then solve a simpler poly $a+bx+cx^2+dx^3+ex^4$ for the roots which Mathematica gives four solutions in terms of a,b,c,d. I next re-express the solutions of those in terms of the original constants. The final "theRoots" now express the solutions in terms of all the constants. To obtain numeric values, will need for each of these solutions, substitute numeric values for each of the constants.
However, there is an issue with how Mathematica interprets the square root as you can see when I then back-substitute the test cases below into the original equation (the outputs are not all zero).
Note however, when I replace the expression $\sqrt{n(n+1)}$ in the original expression with the second branch of the root function: $-\sqrt{n(n+1)}$, the two back-substituted roots which did not produce zero, now back-substitute to zero.
Will need to study this in more detail:
theFun = FullSimplify[(4 g Sqrt[
n (1 + n)] (-1 + 2 g Sqrt[\[Eta]]) Sqrt[\[Eta]] (1 +
g (1 + 2 Sqrt[n (1 + n)]) (-1 +
g Sqrt[\[Eta]]) Sqrt[\[Eta]] +
2 n (1 - g Sqrt[\[Eta]] + g^2 \[Eta])) \[Kappa] (\[Kappa] -
2 g Sqrt[\[Eta]] \[Kappa]) - (1 -
2 g Sqrt[\[Eta]]) (2 Sqrt[n (1 + n)] +
g (1 + 2 n + 2 Sqrt[n (1 + n)]) (-1 +
g Sqrt[\[Eta]]) Sqrt[\[Eta]]) ((1 - 4 g Sqrt[\[Eta]] +
8 g^2 \[Eta]) \[Kappa]^2 + (\[CapitalDelta] + \
get polynomial with same roots
gb = First@GroebnerBasis[theFun, n];
get rules for the coefficients
coefRules = CoefficientRules[gb, n]
transform rules in terms of general constants a,b,c,d,e
theRules =
coefRules /. {{0} -> a, {1} -> b, {2} -> c, {3} -> d, {4} -> e}
solve general 4'th degree poly
theSol = Solve[a + b x + c x^2 + d x^3 + e x^4 == 0, x];
for each of the four solutions, express in original constants
theRoots=theSol /. theRules
For example:
mySol = x /.
theRoots /. {g -> 1.5, \[Eta] -> 2/3, \[Kappa] ->
1/4, \[CapitalDelta] -> 3/5, \[CapitalOmega] -> 5/2}
theFun /. {g -> 1.5, \[Eta] -> 2/3, \[Kappa] ->
1/4, \[CapitalDelta] -> 3/5, \[CapitalOmega] -> 5/2,
n -> #} & /@ mySol
{-1.01155 - 1.51656*10^-19 I, 0.0126251 + 1.65926*10^-19 I,
22.291 - 3.27457*10^-17 I, 22.296 + 3.27315*10^-17 I}
Out[130]= {-1.30619*10^-12 + 2.61905*10^-17 I,
8.26718 + 2.87501*10^-17 I,
0.225828 + 1.48832*10^-15 I, -1.24146*10^-10 - 1.48832*10^-15 I}
Now replace $\sqrt{n(1+n)}$ with $-\sqrt{n(1+n)}$:
theFun2 = theFun /. Sqrt[n (1 + n)] -> -Sqrt[n (1 + n)];
theFun2 /. {g -> 1.5, \[Eta] -> 2/3, \[Kappa] ->
1/4, \[CapitalDelta] -> 3/5, \[CapitalOmega] -> 5/2,
n -> #} & /@ mySol
Out[146]= {-8.26719 - 2.87489*10^-17 I,
2.20765*10^-12 - 2.61918*10^-17 I, -8.07177*10^-11 -
9.59784*10^-16 I, 0.145631 + 9.59784*10^-16 I}