I just started using mathematica and I'm facing a problem that I just can't solve. I want to solve the following equation:
eqn = {(ao)/((c*Exp[a*(n - o)/n]) (-Log[(c*Exp[a*(n - o)/n])] + Log[c] + a)^2) == m,
ao*1/2 < n};
Solve[eqn, n, Reals]
Program says ' This system cannot be solved with the methods available to Solve.'
Can anybody help me with this?
r = Reduce[eqn[[1]] /. a*(n - o)/n -> x /. {n -> (a o)/(a - x)}, x, Reals]; FullSimplify[r /. x -> a*(n - o)/n, Assumptions -> ao*1/2 < n]
, etc. then it becomes amenable toSolve
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