(* "13.1.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (June 16, 2022)" *)
distY = TransformedDistribution[Max[E^(x - 1) - κ, 0],
x \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[μ, σ]];
inherits the assumptions from the NormalDistribution
dpa = DistributionParameterAssumptions[distY]
(* μ ∈ Reals && σ > 0 *)
pdf[y_] = PDF[distY, y]
(* 1/2 DiracDelta[
y + κ] (1 +
Erf[(1 - μ + Log[y + κ])/(Sqrt[2] σ)]) UnitStep[y] - (
E^(-((1 - μ + Log[y + κ])^2/(2 σ^2)))
UnitStep[y] (-1 + UnitStep[-y - κ]))/(
Sqrt[2 π] (y + κ) σ) -
1/2 DiracDelta[
y] (1 + Erf[(1 - μ + Log[κ])/(Sqrt[2] σ)]) (-1 +
UnitStep[-κ]) *)
Checking the total probability (this is quite slow),
Assuming[dpa, Integrate[pdf[y], {y, -Infinity, Infinity}] // Simplify]]
(* {40.1147, ConditionalExpression[1, Re[κ] >= 0 && Im[κ] == 0]} *)
Consequently, this requires κ >= 0
distY = TransformedDistribution[Max[E^(x - 1) - κ, 0],
x \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[μ, σ],
Assumptions -> κ >= 0];
dpa = DistributionParameterAssumptions[distY]
(* κ >= 0 && μ ∈ Reals && σ > 0 *)
pdf[y_] = PDF[distY, y]
(* 1/2 DiracDelta[
y] (1 + Erf[(1 - μ + Log[κ])/(Sqrt[2] σ)]) - (
E^(-((1 - μ + Log[y + κ])^2/(
2 σ^2))) (-1 + UnitStep[-y]))/(Sqrt[2 π] (y + κ) σ) *)
Assuming[dpa, Integrate[pdf[y], {y, -Infinity, Infinity}]]
(* 1 *)
This is a mixed distribution with a discrete probability for y == 0
pdf2[0] = 1/2*(1 + Erf[(1 - μ + Log[κ])/(Sqrt[2]*σ)]);
and a continuous probability distribution for y > 0
pdf2[y_] = ConditionalExpression[
Simplify[-((-1 + UnitStep[-y])/
(E^((1 - μ + Log[y + κ])^2/(2*σ^2))*
(Sqrt[2*Pi]*(y + κ)*σ))), y > 0], y > 0]
(* ConditionalExpression[
1/(E^((1 - μ + Log[y + κ])^2/(2*σ^2))*
(Sqrt[2*Pi]*(y + κ)*σ)), y > 0] *)
pdf2[0] + Integrate[pdf2[y], {y, 0, Infinity}] //
(* 1 *)
μ = 1; σ = 1; κ = 3;
Plot[pdf2[y], {y, -1/2, 5}],
DiscretePlot[pdf2[y], {y, 0, 0},
PlotStyle -> Red],
PlotRange -> All,
Frame -> True,
Axes -> False]