The Issue
Mathematica appears to have a lot of trouble with doing the integrals involved in finding the PDF. I'm not sure what's going on under the hood, but doing some playing around suggests Mathematica is somehow screwing up when it comes to the degeneracies involved with having a non-symmetric interval involving both positive and negative numbers. E.g. in 1D the PDF of $A=X^2$ with $X\sim U(-1,2)$ is given by
\frac{1}{3 \sqrt{a}} & 0<a<1 \\
\frac{1}{6 \sqrt{a}} & 1<a<4\\
which is discontinuous because $0<a<1$ get contributions both from when $-1<x\leq0$ and $0<x<1$ while $1<a<4$ get contributions only from $1<x<2$. Mathematica has no problem handling this in 1D. In 2D, these degenerate contributions become more complex but Mathematica still gets it right. However, in 3D it seems Mathematica no longer handles these degeneracies correctly. This may be caused by the fact that Mathematica has to resort to different techniques in 3D because it cannot evaluate the integrals in the same way. I ran into some of this playing around with using the direct formula for the transformation. Naively applying it works in 2D but not 3D. Doing some change of variables stuff (e.g. $w=a-x^2$) gives integrals of the form$^1$
f_A(a)=\int _{a-b}^{a-c}\int _{w-d}^{w-e}\int _{v-f}^{v-g}\frac{\delta (k) dkdvdw}{8 \sqrt{v-k} \sqrt{w-v} \sqrt{a-w}}
which Mathematica can do in 2D (same form with one less $\sqrt{\cdot}$ and integral) but not 3D, for all values of $b-g\in\{0,1,4\}$.
Whatever the underlying reason, here's an example of where Mathematica gets it wrong and how we can work around that. Consider the CDF in 3D for $1<a<2$
Integrate[Boole[x^2+y^2+z^2<= a],
{x,y,z} ∈ Cuboid[{-1,-1,-1},{2,2,2}], Assumptions-> 1<a<2]/3^3/. a-> 3/2
gives $\sim 0.045$ but the correct answer is $\sim 0.265$ and can be found by handling the cases separately:
(Integrate[Boole[x^2+y^2+z^2<= a], {x,y,z} ∈ r1, Assumptions-> 1<a<2]+
3 Integrate[Boole[x^2+y^2+z^2<= a], {x,y,z} ∈ r2, Assumptions-> 1<a<2])/3^3/. a-> 3/2
Which comes from the fact that for $1<a<2$ the magnitude of $x$, $y$, and $z$ are all $\leq1$ or two are $\leq1$ and one is $>1$. The factor of three arises because any one of the three $x$, $y$, or $z$ can be the one which is $>1$. This motivates our workaround.
A workaround
We handle the cases manually for Mathematica, what's given here should work well in any dimension (though some tweaking would need to be done). We need to consider the following regions and multiplicities
b3 = Union[Tuples[{{-1, 1}, {1, 2}}, dim], SameTest -> (Sort[#1] == Sort[#2] &)];
regs = Cuboid @@ Thread[#] & /@ b3;
mult = Length@Permutations[#] & /@ b3;
We then define the integral for the CDF
int[as_]:=int[as]=mult.(ParallelMap[Integrate[Boole[x^2+y^2+z^2 <= a],
{x,y,z} ∈ #, Assumptions -> as] &, regs])/3^dim
This sums the integral in each region weighted by mult
. Clearly this will be a piecewise depending on the value of $a$. The pieces will clearly have bounds that are integers, so we could run int[#-1<a<#] &/@ Range[4 dim]
. But we can save a little work by explicitly finding the bounds on each piece:
bounds = #[[1]] < a < #[[2]] & /@ Partition[Union[Total /@ Tuples[{0, 1, 2}^2, dim]], 2, 1]
The general idea is the pieces will be at the values of $\sum_{i=1}^d a_i^2$ with $a_i\in\{0,1,2\}$ in dimension $d$.
We can then get the pieces of the CDF (~20min for me) with
AbsoluteTiming[cdfs = int /@ bounds;]
The PDF is the derivative of the CDF so we have
pdfs = D[cdfs,a];
or for an extra 20s
pdfs = ParallelTable[FullSimplify[D[FullSimplify[funcs[[k]],bounds[[k]]],a],bounds[[k]]],
and finally
For easy reference that gives pdf[a]
pdf[a_]=Piecewise[{{(2 Sqrt[a] \[Pi])/27,0<a<1},{-(1/27) (-3+Sqrt[a]) \[Pi],1<a<2},{1/27 (3 (\[Pi]-2 ArcTan[Sqrt[-2+a]])+2 Sqrt[a] (ArcCsc[1-a]+ArcTan[Sqrt[(-2+a)/a]])),2<a<3},{1/108 (9 \[Pi]-12 ArcTan[Sqrt[-2+a]]+4 Sqrt[a] (ArcCsc[1-a]+ArcTan[Sqrt[(-2+a)/a]])),3<a<4},{1/54 ((33/2-6 Sqrt[a]) \[Pi]-6 ArcTan[Sqrt[-2+a]]+2 Sqrt[a] (ArcCsc[1-a]+ArcTan[Sqrt[(-2+a)/a]])),4<a<5},{1/108 (3 (7 \[Pi]+8 ArcTan[2/Sqrt[-5+a]]-16 ArcTan[Sqrt[-5+a]]-4 ArcTan[Sqrt[-2+a]])+4 Sqrt[a] (ArcCsc[1-a]+ArcTan[Sqrt[(-2+a)/a]]-6 ArcTan[2/Sqrt[(-5+a) a]])),5<a<6},{1/108 (15 \[Pi]+12 ArcTan[2/Sqrt[-5+a]]-24 ArcTan[Sqrt[-5+a]]-4 Sqrt[a] (ArcTan[2 Sqrt[(-5+a)/a]]+4 ArcTan[2/Sqrt[(-5+a) a]]+ArcTan[2 Sqrt[a],Sqrt[-5+a]])),6<a<8},{1/108 (-9 \[Pi]+48 ArcTan[2/Sqrt[-8+a]]+12 ArcTan[2/Sqrt[-5+a]]-24 ArcTan[Sqrt[-5+a]]-4 Sqrt[a] (ArcCot[2 Sqrt[a/(-5+a)]]-6 ArcTan[Sqrt[(-8+a)/a]]+ArcTan[2 Sqrt[(-5+a)/a]]+4 ArcTan[2/Sqrt[(-5+a) a]])),8<a<9},{1/54 (-3 \[Pi]+12 ArcTan[2/Sqrt[-8+a]]+2 Sqrt[a] (ArcTan[Sqrt[(-8+a)/a]]-ArcTan[4/Sqrt[(-8+a) a]])),9<a<12}},0]
\frac{2 \pi \sqrt{a}}{27} & 0<a<1 \\
-\frac{1}{27} \pi \left(\sqrt{a}-3\right) & 1<a<2 \\
\frac{1}{27} \left(3 \left(\pi -2 \tan ^{-1}\left(\sqrt{a-2}\right)\right)+2 \sqrt{a} \left(\tan ^{-1}\left(\sqrt{\frac{a-2}{a}}\right)+\csc ^{-1}(1-a)\right)\right) & 2<a<3 \\
\frac{1}{108} \left(-12 \tan ^{-1}\left(\sqrt{a-2}\right)+4 \sqrt{a} \left(\tan ^{-1}\left(\sqrt{\frac{a-2}{a}}\right)+\csc ^{-1}(1-a)\right)+9 \pi \right) & 3<a<4 \\
\frac{1}{54} \left(\pi \left(\frac{33}{2}-6 \sqrt{a}\right)-6 \tan ^{-1}\left(\sqrt{a-2}\right)+2 \sqrt{a} \left(\tan ^{-1}\left(\sqrt{\frac{a-2}{a}}\right)+\csc ^{-1}(1-a)\right)\right) & 4<a<5 \\
\frac{1}{108} \left(3 \left(8 \tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{2}{\sqrt{a-5}}\right)-16 \tan ^{-1}\left(\sqrt{a-5}\right)-4 \tan ^{-1}\left(\sqrt{a-2}\right)+7 \pi \right)+4 \sqrt{a} \left(\tan ^{-1}\left(\sqrt{\frac{a-2}{a}}\right)-6 \tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{2}{\sqrt{(a-5) a}}\right)+\csc ^{-1}(1-a)\right)\right) & 5<a<6 \\
\frac{1}{108} \left(-4 \sqrt{a} \left(\tan ^{-1}\left(2 \sqrt{a},\sqrt{a-5}\right)+\tan ^{-1}\left(2 \sqrt{\frac{a-5}{a}}\right)+4 \tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{2}{\sqrt{(a-5) a}}\right)\right)+12 \tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{2}{\sqrt{a-5}}\right)-24 \tan ^{-1}\left(\sqrt{a-5}\right)+15 \pi \right) & 6<a<8 \\
\frac{1}{108} \left(48 \tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{2}{\sqrt{a-8}}\right)+12 \tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{2}{\sqrt{a-5}}\right)-24 \tan ^{-1}\left(\sqrt{a-5}\right)-4 \sqrt{a} \left(-6 \tan ^{-1}\left(\sqrt{\frac{a-8}{a}}\right)+\tan ^{-1}\left(2 \sqrt{\frac{a-5}{a}}\right)+4 \tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{2}{\sqrt{(a-5) a}}\right)+\cot ^{-1}\left(2 \sqrt{\frac{a}{a-5}}\right)\right)-9 \pi \right) & 8<a<9 \\
\frac{1}{54} \left(12 \tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{2}{\sqrt{a-8}}\right)+2 \sqrt{a} \left(\tan ^{-1}\left(\sqrt{\frac{a-8}{a}}\right)-\tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{4}{\sqrt{(a-8) a}}\right)\right)-3 \pi \right) & 9<a<12 \\
And we can see this works with
data=Norm[#]^2 & /@ RandomVariate[UniformDistribution[ConstantArray[{-1,2},3]],10^7];
- here $b-g\in\{0,1,4\}$ come from breaking the integrals up from $-1$ to $0$ and $0$ to $2$ so the new variables are $1$-to-$1$ with the old ones on those intervals.
dist = HistogramDistribution[ Norm[#]^2 & /@ RandomVariate[UniformDistribution[{{-1, 2}, {-1, 2}, {-1, 2}}], 10000000] , 250]; Plot[PDF[dist, t], {t, -1, 13}, PlotStyle -> Thick, Exclusions -> None, PlotRange -> All]
$\endgroup$Norm[#]^2 & /@RandomVariate[UniformDistribution[{{-1, 2}, {-1, 2}, {-1, 2}}], 10000000]
. Yes, Mathematica produces the correct result in two dimensions. $\endgroup$b = CDF[TransformedDistribution[ x^2 + y^2 + z^2, {x \[Distributed] UniformDistribution[{-1, 2}], y \[Distributed] UniformDistribution[{-1, 2}], z \[Distributed] UniformDistribution[{-1, 2}]}], t]
in 10571. sec andPlot[b, {t,-1,13},PlotStyle->Thick]
are even worse. $\endgroup$