I'm not sure if the definitions you posted are different from the ones used in your plot, or you have lingering definitions that are interfering, but the plot I get from your code is slightly different than the one you show.
Z1D[\[Beta]_, \[Xi]_, \[Theta]_] = (1/\[Xi] (2/\[Beta]^2 -
1) + ((\[Theta] Exp[-\[Beta]])/2 - 1/2) +
Sum[((-\[Beta])^n \[Xi]^(n/2))/n! HurwitzZeta[-(n/2),
1 + 1/\[Xi]], {n, 1, 80}]);
Cv0[\[Beta]_, \[Xi]_] = \[Beta]^2 D[
Log[Z1D[\[Beta], \[Xi], 1]], {\[Beta], 2}];
CSS[\[Beta]_, a_] =
Cv0[\[Beta], 18] +
a/2 \[Beta]^2 D[\[Beta]^2/Z1D[\[Beta], 18, 1] D[
Z1D[\[Beta], 18, 1], {\[Beta], 2}] -
Log[Z1D[\[Beta], 18, 1]]^2, {\[Beta], 2}];
CSS[\[Beta], 0],
CSS[\[Beta], 5/100],
CSS[\[Beta], 1/10],
CSS[\[Beta], 5/10]
{\[Beta], 0, 5},
WorkingPrecision -> 50,
PlotPoints -> 100,
MaxRecursion -> 3,
PlotLegends -> "Expressions"
I think that setting MaxRecursion
artificially low (to 1) might be responsible for the gaps you see in your plot. I have it set to 3 here. J.M.'s suggestion of Exclusions -> None
also works even with MaxRecursion -> 1
Also, I don't know enough about the Mathematics of your functions to know for sure, but it sure looks like the result is complex beyond about 4.5 depending on the exact function.
Block[{$MaxExtraPrecision = 500},
N[{CSS[9/2, 0], CSS[9/2, 5/100], CSS[9/2, 1/10], CSS[9/2, 5/10]}, 50]
$ 8.35688067895158097516109070604051
17173041706645372\times 10^7+12519.146845612096555038077041258063228049288586
10^8+125191.46845612096555038077041258063228049288586 i$
I'm using Block[{$MaxExtraPrecision = 500}, ...]
to tell Mathematica that it can use a precision up to 550 while evaluating the numbers in order to ensure that it returns numbers with a precision of at least 50. Without the Block
, I run into a warning that says $MaxExtraPrecision = 50 reach while evaluating
. Fortunately, even without the Block
the numbers are basically the same, but they're nowhere near a precision of 50. In fact, their precision is around 10.
For small values of $\beta$, the precision remains high. But as the value of $\beta$ increases, it seems like the precision diminishes rapidly unless you allow Mathematica to use extra precision. This doesn't seem to affect the plot, but I thought it was interesting so I wanted to mention it. It also leads me to believe that Mathematica isn't mistaken when it says those high $\beta$ functions are complex.
Exclusions -> None
. $\endgroup$