This question was initially (wrongfully) posted on Mathematics SE.
I have the following expression:
$$ \sqrt{1 + 10^{\frac{rdb}{10}} + 2^{1 + \frac{rdb}{20}} 5^{\frac{rdb}{20}} \cos(\mathrm{pdiff})} $$
when applying FullSimplify
(or Simplify
) to this function, Mathematica yields
\sqrt{1 + 10^{\frac{rdb}{10}} + 10^{\frac{rdb}{20}} \csc(\mathrm{pdiff}) \sin(\mathrm{pdiff})}
Screenshot from Mathematica:
This simplification does change the domain on which the function is defined, all multiples of $\pi$ are now excluded from the set of allowed values of $\mathrm{pdiff}$.
In my opinion, Mathematica is wrong in that case. Am I right?