
I would like to use an image as a ClickPane, inside a column. I want the image to appear at its native size.

Outside of the column, this works:

size = 256;
image = ConstantImage[.5, {size, size}];
 ClickPane[image, (Print[#]) &]

But when I put the ClickPane inside a Column, it always displays as a small size, regardless of the value of size.

size = 256;
image = ConstantImage[.5, {size, size}];
    (pt = #) &], Dynamic@pt}, ItemSize -> Full]

I have tried different values for ItemSize but nothing seems to have an effect.

How can I force the image to appear at its native size?

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Add an explicit ImageSize to ConstantImage or wrap it in Image[image, ImageSize->{size, size}] By default that is set to Automatic to allow for this kind of context-based resizing $\endgroup$
    – b3m2a1
    Commented Apr 8, 2020 at 2:45

1 Answer 1


I think that you are looking for : Style[..., ImageSizeMultipliers -> {1, 1}]

size = 256;
image = ConstantImage[.5, {size, size}];
 Style[#, ImageSizeMultipliers -> {1, 1}] & @
   Column[{ClickPane[image, (pt = #) &], Dynamic@pt}, 
   ItemSize -> Full]]  

enter image description here

Compare with :

size = 256;
image = ConstantImage[.5, {size, size}];
DynamicModule[{}, ClickPane[image, (Print[#]) &]]  

enter image description here


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