I hope you are doing well.
If I have expressions stored in a list such as this $ \{ f_1'(y)(ie^{i x}) , f_2'(y)(2ie^{2 i x}) \}$, is there any way for Mathematica to compare the $e^{m x i}$ terms and determine which is the higher order in $x$, then return the higher ordered expression in the list? When determining which is the higher order, Mathematica should disregard the functions in front of each term.
I naively asked this question here: Limit at Infinity of Arbitrary Functions, forgetting I was working with complex exponentials. Finding the limit at infinity of the quotient of the expressions would have worked if they were normal exponentials and not complex exponentials.
Edit 1: I have an initial idea which piggy backs off my limits at infinity idea.
list = {(f_{1}'(y)*e^{i x}, f_{2}'(y)*e^{2 i x}}};
Factor1 = list[[1]];
Factor2 = list[[2]];
Factor1temp = Simplify[Factor1]./ {I*x->x}
Factor2temp = Simplify[Factor2]./ {I*x->x}
This returns
e^x f_{1}'(y)
e^{2 i x} f_{2}'(y)
The first expression the $i x$ got replaced with just $x$ but the second expression the $2 i x$ did not get changed to $2 x$. I can change the /. {I*x->x}
to /. {2*I*x->x}
but is there a way to tell Mathematica to ignore the integers out front and just replace the $ix$ to $x$.
Factor2temp = Simplify[Factor2]./ {2*I*x->2x}
2 i e^{2 x} f_{2}'(y)
In any case now that they are no longer complex exponentials I can compare the terms by taking their limit at infinity.
Limit[Factor1temp/Factor2temp, x -> \[Infinity]]
This returns 0, therefore Factor2 is the higher ordered term. This one however,
Limit[Factor2temp/Factor1temp, x -> \[Infinity]]
((i \[Infinty]) f_2 '(y))/f_1 '(y)
instead of $\infty$. Is there a way to make Mathematica output $\infty$ instead of what's given. The $f$ functions here are arbitrary but finite so the returned answer should give $\infty$.
Thank you for any help.
and function arguments[]
. Which ones do you mean? $\endgroup$