Here I have the code that takes the limit of an expression
Limit[(-I E^(I x) f1[y])/(g2^\[Prime]\[Prime])[y], x -> \[Infinity] ]
and the returned output is INDETERMINATE
whereas the desired output is $ \infty$. Or if I were to do this instead
Limit[(g2^\[Prime]\[Prime])[y]/(-I E^(I x) f1[y]), x -> \[Infinity] ]
I would want to get 0 and not INDETERMINATE
How would I let Mathematica know that the $f$ and $g$ functions are irrelevant when evaluating the limit?
Thank you for any help.
(that is, for which does the limit even exist)? I suppose $f(y) \equiv 0$ is one example for the first limit, but I’d like to know if there is a nontrivial example. I think Mathematica is right, or I misread something. $\endgroup$