
I cannot give the actual image (contains private information) but the results of

 ImageResize[img, Scaled[2]], "Word", "BoundingBox", 
 RecognitionPrior -> "Column"]

are the following set of rectangles; this being a small portion of the rectangles. (Note: I do not use "Line" as third argument as there is no white space in the returned text so no indication of the column the text falls under.)

recs =
  {Rectangle[{18, 1140}, {74, 1162}], 
   Rectangle[{622, 1140}, {713, 1162}], 
   Rectangle[{821, 1140}, {875, 1162}], 
   Rectangle[{134, 1088}, {208, 1110}], 
   Rectangle[{214, 1096}, {230, 1098}], 
   Rectangle[{238, 1088}, {284, 1110}], 
   Rectangle[{292, 1082}, {386, 1110}], 
   Rectangle[{623, 1088}, {703, 1110}], 
   Rectangle[{822, 1088}, {871, 1110}], 
   Rectangle[{1137, 1088}, {1201, 1110}], 
   Rectangle[{18, 1036}, {74, 1058}], 
   Rectangle[{134, 1036}, {204, 1058}], 
   Rectangle[{213, 1044}, {228, 1046}], 
   Rectangle[{237, 1036}, {283, 1058}], 
   Rectangle[{291, 1030}, {385, 1058}], 
   Rectangle[{623, 1036}, {703, 1058}], 
   Rectangle[{1137, 1036}, {1198, 1058}], 
   Rectangle[{17, 984}, {74, 1006}], 
   Rectangle[{133, 984}, {301, 1006}], 
   Rectangle[{311, 990}, {318, 992}], 
   Rectangle[{327, 984}, {421, 1006}], 
   Rectangle[{623, 984}, {658, 1006}], 
   Rectangle[{821, 984}, {875, 1006}], 
   Rectangle[{1138, 984}, {1201, 1006}]};

The layout of the "Words" in the image can be see with

 Labeled[Graphics[{LightGray, EdgeForm[Blue], recs}], "Words", Top],
 FrameStyle -> Gray]

Mathematica graphics

From this example it can be seen that there are 5 columns; actual grids can contain more or less columns. This example also has one "sentence" column; a column made up of several closely spaced (in the x-axis) words; actual grids can contain more or less "sentence" columns.

I would like to cluster each cell of the grid into sublists. The "sentence" columns will have all of their rectangles in one sublist. The target is clustering is

recsByCell = {{Rectangle[{18, 1140}, {74, 1162}]},
   {Rectangle[{622, 1140}, {713, 1162}]},
   {Rectangle[{821, 1140}, {875, 1162}]},
   {Rectangle[{134, 1088}, {208, 1110}], 
    Rectangle[{214, 1096}, {230, 1098}], 
    Rectangle[{238, 1088}, {284, 1110}], 
    Rectangle[{292, 1082}, {386, 1110}]}, 
   {Rectangle[{623, 1088}, {703, 1110}]},
   {Rectangle[{822, 1088}, {871, 1110}]},
   {Rectangle[{1137, 1088}, {1201, 1110}]},
   {Rectangle[{18, 1036}, {74, 1058}]},
   {Rectangle[{134, 1036}, {204, 1058}], 
    Rectangle[{213, 1044}, {228, 1046}], 
    Rectangle[{237, 1036}, {283, 1058}], 
    Rectangle[{291, 1030}, {385, 1058}]}, 
   {Rectangle[{623, 1036}, {703, 1058}]},
   {Rectangle[{1137, 1036}, {1198, 1058}]},
   {Rectangle[{17, 984}, {74, 1006}]},
   {Rectangle[{133, 984}, {301, 1006}], 
    Rectangle[{311, 990}, {318, 992}], 
    Rectangle[{327, 984}, {421, 1006}]},
   {Rectangle[{623, 984}, {658, 1006}]},
   {Rectangle[{821, 984}, {875, 1006}]},
   {Rectangle[{1138, 984}, {1201, 1006}]}};

   MapIndexed[{ColorData[109]@*First@#2, #} &, recsByCell]], 
  "Manual Clusters", Top],
 FrameStyle -> Gray]

Mathematica graphics

I have tried all DistanceFunctions while comparing the upper right-hand corner of the first rectangle to the upper left-hand corner of the right-hand rectangle.

Module[{df = #, c},
   c = FindClusters[recs, 
     DistanceFunction -> (df[Last@#1, Flatten[List @@ #2][[{1, 4}]]] &)];
    Graphics[MapIndexed[{ColorData[109]@*First@#2, #} &, c]],
    df, Top]
   ] & /@ 
 Symbol /@ 
     EntityClass["WolframLanguageSymbol", {"FunctionalityAreas" -> "ClusteringSymbols"}]
 Multicolumn[#, 3,
   Frame -> All,
   FrameStyle -> Gray,
   Alignment -> Center] &

Mathematica graphics

However, none are coming close to the desired result.

Any ideas on how the target clustering can be achieved in general? There will be both more and less columns and both more and less sentence type columns.

The goal is to recreate the grid of text in the image as Grid of strings with matching empty and filled cells.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ maybe MorphologicalComponents[Dilation[Image[1 - ImageData[Graphics[recs]]], 2]] // Colorize as a first step? $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Mar 4, 2020 at 2:48

1 Answer 1


Update 2: We can get the desired segmentation using the third argument of ImageForestingComponents to specify the horizontal and vertical radii to connect two components:

ImageForestingComponents[Binarize @ Graphics @ recs, Automatic, {10, 1}] /. 
   1 -> 0 // Colorize // Show[#, ImageSize -> Large] &

enter image description here

Replace {10, 1} with {5, 10} to get

enter image description here

Update: Using the horizontal dilation idea with RegionIntersection + RelationGraph + ConnectedComponents:

hDilate[d_: 10] := # /. Rectangle[{xmin_, ymin_}, {xmax_, ymax_}] :> 
     Rectangle[{xmin - d, ymin}, {xmax + d, ymax}] &;

cc = ConnectedComponents[
   RelationGraph[RegionIntersection[hDilate[] @ #, hDilate[] @ #2] =!=  
    EmptyRegion[2]&, recs]];

Sort[cc] == Sort[recsByCell]


A slightly modified version:

rel = UnsameQ[##] && RegionIntersection[hDilate[]@recs[[#]], 
         hDilate[]@recs[[#2]]] =!= EmptyRegion[2] &;

rg = RelationGraph[rel, Range[Length@recs]];

cc2 = recs[[#]] & /@ ConnectedComponents[rg];

cc2 == cc


vstyle = Association[Join @@ MapIndexed[Thread[# -> ColorData[109]@*First@#2] &, 

Graph[rg, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality", 
  VertexCoordinates -> {v_ :> RegionCentroid[recs[[v]]]}, 
  ImageSize -> Large, VertexSize -> Large, 
  EdgeStyle -> {e_ :> Directive[CapForm["Round"], Opacity[.5], vstyle[e[[1]]], 
      AbsoluteThickness[20]]}, VertexStyle -> {v_ :> vstyle[v]}]

enter image description here

Original answer:

Use ComponentMeasurements to

  1. Dilate morphological components horizontally using the kernel ConstantArray[1, {1, 10}],
  2. Find the bounding rectangles
  3. Erode each bounding rectangle horizontally using the same kernel

boundingboxes = Fold[
   Rectangle @@@ 
          #2[Image[1 - ImageData[Graphics[#]]], ConstantArray[1, {1, 10}]], 
          "BoundingBox"][[All, 2]] &, 
   recs, {Dilation, Erosion}];

Find the transformation function to map coordinate bounds of boundingboxes to coordinate bounds of recs:

trF = RescalingTransform @@ (CoordinateBounds[# /. 
        Rectangle[a_, b_] :> {a, b}] & /@ {boundingboxes, recs});

Transform bounding rectangles:

trnsfrmedbb = boundingboxes /. Rectangle[a_, b_] :> (Rectangle @@ trF[{a, b}]);

Show transformed boxes together with recs:

Graphics[{EdgeForm[], MapIndexed[{ColorData[109]@*First@#2, #} &, trnsfrmedbb2], 
  EdgeForm[Black], FaceForm[], recs}, ImageSize -> Large]

enter image description here

Find the box each element of recs belongs to using RegionIntersection:

clusters = recs[[#]] & /@ 
   SparseArray[Outer[Boole[RegionIntersection[##] =!= EmptyRegion[2]] &, 
      trnsfrmedbb, recs]]["AdjacencyLists"];

The result matches OP's manual clusters:

clusters == recsByCell


Show clusters using OP's color coding:

Graphics[MapIndexed[{ColorData[109]@*First@#2, #} &, clusters], ImageSize -> Large]

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ This is interesting. May you give a brief sentence on what each line of code is doing. (+1) $\endgroup$
    – Edmund
    Commented Mar 4, 2020 at 12:38
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @Edmund, added some notes. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Mar 4, 2020 at 15:12

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