I calculate the orbit of the satellite according to the gravity, but the following code can only find half of the elliptical orbit and output the warning message:
G = 6.672*(10^-11)(*Gravitational constant \
N·m\.b2/kg\.b2*); M =
5.965*10^24(*The mass property of Earth kg*); m = 10(*The mass \
property of satellite kg*);
r0 = 6.371*10^6;(*Earth radius 6371km*)
vθ =
1.3*7.9*10^3;(*First cosmic speed of near earth satellite 7.9km/s*)
vr = 0;
L = m*r0*vθ;(*Initial angular momentum of satellite*)
\[DoubleStruckCapitalE] =
1/2 m (vr^2 + vθ^2) -
G*(M*m)/r0;(*Initial total energy of satellite*)
p = L^2/(G*M*m^2);
ε = Sqrt[
1 + (2 \[DoubleStruckCapitalE]*L^2)/(G^2*M^2*m^3)];
sol = NDSolve[{r'[θ] ==
Sqrt[(ε/p)^2 - (1/r[θ] - 1/p)^2],
r[0] == r0}, r[θ], {θ, 0, 4 Pi}] // FullSimplify
PolarPlot[r[θ] /. First[sol], {θ, 0, 2 Pi}]
What should I do to plot a complete satellite trajectory?
The derivation process used is as follows:
According to the analysis of the actual process, it is likely that when the satellite turns, that is, when x changes to $\pi$, the radial velocity will switch to 0, which leads to the difficulty of solution.