I've been having some trouble with Plot3D
. I have a quite complex function of two variables (actually three but the first one doesn't matter) that returns a list with two elements. Then I wrote the following code to see the behaviour of the first element:
Module[{R = 1},
g[R, θ, z][[1]],
{θ, 0, Pi}, {z, 0, 4},
AxesLabel -> {θ, z, Subscript[F, θ]}
Well the thing is: when the coordinate $\theta=0$, the first element is zero and the plot doesn't show that:
I know that the problem isn't from the function because if I plot the first element keeping $\theta=0$:
Module[{R = 1},
g[R, 0, z][[1]],
{θ, 0, Pi}, {z, 0, 4},
AxesLabel -> {θ, z, Subscript[F, θ]}
(in the code I only changed that $\theta \to 0$) it outputs correctly:
Moreover, If I use Manipulate
it behaves as expected; so I must be doing something wrong with Plot3D
... can anyone help me?
PS: Here is the horrible definition of the function $g$:
g[R_, \[Theta]_,
z_] := (Module[{For1 = 0, For2 = 0, d1 = 0, d2 = 0, Forca = {0, 0},
nmax = 10},
If[\[Theta] == 0,
For[n = 0, n < nmax,
d1 = Sqrt[R^2*(2 Pi*n)^2 + z^2];
If[n == 0,
If[d1 + 0.0 < R*Pi,
For1 = -1/(2 Pi*d1^2);
Vec1 = {0, z};
For1 = -1/(4*d1^2*ArcSin[R*Pi/d1]);
Vec1 = {0, z};
For1 = -1/(4*d1^2*ArcSin[R*Pi/d1]);
Vec1 = {0, z};
For2 = -1/(4*d1^2*ArcSin[R*Pi/d1]);
Vec2 = {0, z};
Forca += For1*Vec1 + For2*Vec2;
(*Here works iff \[Theta]=0*)
For[n = 0, n < nmax,
d1 = Sqrt[R^2*(\[Theta] + 2 Pi*n)^2 + z^2];
d2 = Sqrt[R^2*(-2 Pi*(n + 1) + \[Theta])^2 + z^2];
If[d1 + 0.0 < R*Pi,
For1 = -1/(2 Pi*d1^2);
Vec1 = {\[Theta], z};
For1 = -1/(4*d1^2*ArcSin[R*Pi/d1]);
Vec1 = {\[Theta] + 2 Pi*n, z};
If[d2 + 0.0 < R*Pi,
For2 = -1/(2 Pi*d2^2);
Vec2 = {-2 Pi*(n + 1) + \[Theta], z};
For2 = -1/(4*d2^2*ArcSin[R*Pi/d2]);
Vec2 = {-2 Pi*(n + 1) + \[Theta], z};
Forca += For1*Vec1 + For2*Vec2;
(*Here works for all points except \[Theta]=0*)