I am trying to fit a non-standard PDF to data using FindDistributionParameters. My custom distribution is defined like this:
fs = Function[{so,l, n},
so - l/2 c,
c \[Distributed]
NoncentralChiSquareDistribution[n, 2 so/l],
Assumptions -> so > 0 && n > 0 && l > 0
My data corresponds to measurements of a variable on N individuals. For each individual I have multiple measurements to take into account the measurement error. My data is similar to this :
trueValue = RandomVariate[fs[so, l, n] /. {so -> 1, l -> 0.1, n -> 2}, 100];(* true value for each individual, which I don't know*)
errorSD = RandomVariate[ChiSquareDistribution[3], 100]/10; (*standard deviations of the measurment error for each individual*)
fullMeasurement = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[#[[1]], #[[2]]], 5] & /@ Transpose[{trueValue, errorSD}];
myData = {Mean[#], StandardDeviation[#]} & /@ fullMeasurement(*Simulated data set similar to my real data*)
As a first approach, I used FindDistributionParameters on the mean of the measurements.
p = FindDistributionParameters[myData[[All,1]],
fs[so, l, n],
ParameterEstimator -> {"MaximumLikelihood", Method -> "NMaximize",
MaxIterations -> 500, AccuracyGoal -> 5}];
Histogram[myData[[All,1]], 15, "ProbabilityDensity"],
Plot[PDF[fs[so,l, n] /. p, x], {x, -2, 1}, PlotRange -> All, PlotStyle -> Thick]
However with this approach I am not using the information of the standard deviation of the measurements. As a second approach, assuming the error is normally distributed, I tried to make a convolution of my custom distribution and a normal distribution. I first tried to get the PDF of the convolution using either Convolve or directly integrating with Integrate but it did not work.
Then tried to use TransformedDistribution to create the convolution and use FindDistributionParameters:
fse = Function[{so, l, n, sd},
so - l/2 c + e,
{c \[Distributed] NoncentralChiSquareDistribution[n, 2 so/l],
e \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[0, sd]},
Assumptions -> so > 0 && n > 0 && l > 0 && sd > 0
fse[so, l, n, sd] /. sd -> Mean[data[[All,2]]],
ParameterEstimator -> {"MaximumLikelihood", Method -> "NMaximize",
MaxIterations -> 500, AccuracyGoal -> 5}];
However it runs indefinitely, and this approach is using only the mean of the standard deviations and not the value for each individual. Is their a better (and more efficient) way to include the measurement error in the estimation method ?
Following @JimB comment, below is the code I used to try to estimate parameters with fse
using data that were directly generated from it:
data = RandomVariate[fse[1, 0.1, 2, 0.01], 100];
FindDistributionParameters[data, fse[so, l, n, sd] /. sd -> 0.01,
ParameterEstimator -> {"MaximumLikelihood", Method -> "NMaximize", MaxIterations -> 500, AccuracyGoal -> 5}];
It also runs indefinitely
are not the same as random samples from the approach to mimic your real data. Getting a random standard deviation from a chisquare distribution is either too complicated or you know a whole lot about your data. Why not just generate data fromfse
? $\endgroup$fse
but FindDistributionParameters does not work either on this data. Even thought, I know thatfse
is not the proper way to model my data because it is only using the mean of the standard deviation. Thanks for the comment. $\endgroup$