
If I specify the ContourShading to be the same color as the Contour they end up being a different color, see the example below.

 Table[{i, j, Boole[i + j > 5]}, {i, 0, 10}, {j, 0, 10}] // 
  Flatten[#, {1, 2}] &
 , Contours -> {0.5}
 , ContourStyle -> Directive[ColorData[97][1], AbsoluteThickness[8]]
 , ContourShading -> {None, ColorData[97][1]}

How can I make them the same color?


1 Answer 1


Mathematica uses Opacity[0.5] that can be seen with InputForm of your graphics. So add Opacity[1] to ContourStyle option:

Table[{i, j, Boole[i + j > 5]}, {i, 0, 10}, {j, 0, 10}] // 
Flatten[#, {1, 2}] &, Contours -> {0.5}, 
ContourStyle -> 
Directive[ColorData[97][1], AbsoluteThickness[8], Opacity[1]], 
ContourShading -> {None, ColorData[97][1]}]

enter image description here


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