
Consider the following functional as an example:

        URLParse[url]/.{"slot"->Inactive[StringReplace][Slot[]," "->"_"]}

If I evaluate it using the following command:

urlModifier["https://www.somewebsite.com/path/slot"]["hello world!"]

It fails probably because the Slot[] is not aligning with the Function.

But if I do in-place evaluation of urlModifier["https://www.somewebsite.com/path/slot"] and use the result as input:

URLBuild[<|"Scheme"->"https","User"->None,"Domain"->"www.somewebsite.com","Port"->None,"Path"->{"","path",StringReplace[Slot[]," "->"_"]},"Query"->{},"Fragment"->None|>]&["hello world!"]

It works fine.

What should I do to urlModifier to make it accept the Slot[] for its Function that it creates?


2 Answers 2



The root cause of the surprising behaviour is that Function does not recognize Slot[] when it appears within an association object (as opposed to an association constructor). To fix it, we must either "unwrap" the association object returned by URLParse or use a different approach altogether.

The Problem: Association Objects vs. Association Constructors

We can demonstrate the problem with a simpler example:

f = With[{assoc = <| "a" -> #1 |>}, assoc &]
(* <|"a" -> #1|> & *)

The function definition looks okay. But it will not work:

f["hello world!"]
(* <|"a" -> #1|> *)

We can see the structural difference between an association constructor and an association object using TreeForm:

Function[<| "a" -> # |>] // TreeForm    (* constructor *)

association constructor TreeForm

Function[Evaluate[<| "a" -> # |>]] // TreeForm    (* object *)

association object TreeForm

More discussion on this distinction can be found in (148095). See the section labelled Ambiguity of Association.

Fixing the Original Definition

We can change the original definition to unwrap the association object during the initial evaluation and to recreate it upon use. We do that using Normal@URLParse[...] and Inactive[URLBuild@*Association]. The updated definition looks like this:

        Normal@URLParse[url]/.{"slot"->Inactive[StringReplace][Slot[1]," "->"_"]}

... so then:

urlModifier["https://www.somewebsite.com/path/slot"]["hello world!"]

(* "https://www.somewebsite.com/path/hello_world%21" *)

Alternative Definitions

There are simpler ways to express this operation.

For example, we could define the urlModifier operator like this:


urlModifier[url_] :=
  URLBuild[URLParse[url] /. {"slot" -> StringReplace[#, " "->"_"]}] &

We could also define it explicitly as a "curried form":


urlModifier[url_][s_] :=
  URLBuild[URLParse[url] /. { "slot" -> StringReplace[s," "->"_"]}]

The Function form offers an advantage over the curried form in that, if desired, we could perform the initial URL-parsing at the moment of creation instead of every time the generated function is used:


urlModifier[url_] :=
  With[{parsedUrl = URLParse[url]}
  , URLBuild[parsedUrl /. {"slot" -> StringReplace[#, " "->"_"]}] &

All of these definitions give the same results as the corrected original.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you, I have been using this technique of function creation for sometime but was surprised why it failed here. Didn't know Association once created is an atomic expression, certainly doesn't appear like one. Looks like just a list with a different bracket form. Also use of With is nice to have the evaluation of required section happen outside the Function head and then gets placed inside requiring no need to change the Evaluation system of the language. $\endgroup$
    – user13892
    Commented Aug 3, 2019 at 8:07
fixspace = StringReplace[#, " " -> "_"] &;
slotfiller[url_] := StringTemplate[StringReplace[url, "slot" -> "``"]]
urlModifier02[url_] := URLBuild@URLParse@slotfiller[url][fixspace@#] &;

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