
I encountered a problem with the NIntegrate function while simulating a physical situation. The expression is quite messy, but it is just an integration over a polynomial so it should be possible. I want to integrate the function over kP and Energy, and then plot the results with T varying from 0 to 10.

{-((4.24285*10^44 (1.00032*10^-30 - 
    6.371*10^-31 Energy)^2 (1.3836*10^6 + 1. Energy^6 + 
    259200. kP^4 + 
    Energy^5 (0.000999182 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] - 
       1.41159 kP^2) - 
    598856. Sqrt[2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
     2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] + 
    kP^2 (-1.19771*10^6 + 
       259200. Sqrt[2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2]) + 
    Energy^2 (-2.306*10^11 - 
       1.26035*10^-8 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] - 
       4.32*10^10 kP^4 + 
       3.32698*10^10 Sqrt[2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] - 
       3.72529*10^-9 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] + 
       kP^2 (1.99619*10^11 - 
          1.44*10^10 Sqrt[2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
           2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2])) + 
    Energy^4 (9.35396*10^10 - 1.5 kP^4 - 
       1.68212 Sqrt[2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] - 
       0.00146484 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] + 
       kP^2 (2. - 0.000403313 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] - 
          1.88631 Sqrt[2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
           2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2])) + 
    Energy (2.91038*10^-11 - 
       7.68665*10^7 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] - 
       1.44*10^7 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] kP^4 + 
       1.16415*10^-10 Sqrt[2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] - 
       3.32698*10^7 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] + 
       1.44*10^7 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2]
         kP^2 (4.6208 + 
          1. Sqrt[2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
           2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2])) + 
    Energy^3 (-9.37702*10^-6 + 
       3.11799*10^7 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] - 
       0.000476971 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] kP^4 - 
       7.62939*10^-6 Sqrt[2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] + 
       kP^2 (0.0000145193 + 
          0.000976563 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] + 

          0.00146484 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] Sqrt[
           2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
           2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2]))) Sech[(
   5800.46 (-1.57011 + Energy))/
   T])/((1. Energy - 
    0.001 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2]) (1. Energy + 
    0.001 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2]) (Sqrt[-9 + 
      1000000 Energy^2] (-0.0023104 + 0.001 kP^2 + 
       0.003 Sqrt[2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2]) + 
    Energy (2.3104 - 8.88178*10^-20 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] - 
       1. kP^2 + 
       1. Sqrt[2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2])) (Sqrt[-9 + 
      1000000 Energy^2] (-0.0023104 + 0.001 kP^2 + 
       0.003 Sqrt[2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2]) + 
    Energy (2.3104 + 1.77636*10^-19 Sqrt[-9 + 1000000 Energy^2] - 
       1. kP^2 + 
       1. Sqrt[2.3104 - 1.47148 Energy - kP^2] Sqrt[
        2.3104 + 1.47148 Energy - kP^2])) T^2))}

Now, trying the following line, I get the NIntegrate::inumr error in the headline:

answer = NIntegrate[simplifiednumThermalConductivityIntegrationContentPosSpin,
{kP, 0, 1}, {Energy, 0, Infinity}]

I have also tried to integrate the energy only from 0 to 0.55, but that won't solve the problem.

Do any of you have any tips as to what I should try to be able to plot this? Any help will be greatly appreciated!

  • $\begingroup$ Have you tried evaluating the integrand at a point in the integration region? $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Dec 9, 2018 at 15:10
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, that sort of work. But apparently there are some troubles with the expression since it gives 0 + 0i for almost any combination of the three variables. $\endgroup$
    – user61819
    Commented Dec 9, 2018 at 15:22
  • $\begingroup$ Wait, doesn't the result have symbols T in it, or did you plug in a number for T as well? Note that NIntegrate substitutes values only for kP and Energy. To test whether your integrand evaluates to a numeric value, you should substitute numbers only for the integration variables kP and Energy. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Dec 9, 2018 at 15:30
  • $\begingroup$ More to the actual point, yes, your integrand is poorly scaled for machine precision, which has a lower limit for representing a positive real number of around 10^-308. You might Rationalize[] the integrand and use a higher WorkingPrecision, or it might be better if you could pick more convenient units for your integral (convenient for the use of machine-precision floating point numbers). $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Dec 9, 2018 at 15:34
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ It depends on what numbers you use. I get this: i.sstatic.net/tCNKn.png -- which underflows if I set T equal to a positive number under 8000. Note also that it is a list {} and not a plain number. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Dec 9, 2018 at 15:46

1 Answer 1


Use SetDelay,

answer[T_] := NIntegrate[simplifiednumThermalConductivityIntegrationContentPosSpin, {kP, 0,
1}, {Energy, 0, Infinity}, AccuracyGoal -> 10]

The output is expected to be a complex, so here I plotted both real and imaginary,

Plot[{Re@answer[T], Im@answer[T]}, {T, 0, 10}]

enter image description here


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