First, it is possible to lower the integration time by three orders, using GaussianQuadratureWeights
instead of NIntegrate
. Check that the following code is executed in 0.046875 sec and has the same output like the original code that runs 51.0781 sec (on my laptop):
\[Alpha] = 110.; \[Beta] = 55.; \[Delta] = 1.; \[Mu]1 = 18.; \[Mu]2 = \
42.; \[Mu] = \[Mu]2/\[Mu]1;
\[Eta]b = 10;
deltap = .8;
inipoint = 3.;
tlength = 1.14;
w[\[Lambda]_, \[Xi]_] := -((\[Mu]1*\[Alpha])/2) Log[
1 - (\[Lambda]^(-4) + 2*\[Lambda]^2 -
3)/\[Alpha]] - (\[Mu]2*\[Beta])/2 Log[
1 - (\[Lambda]^-4*\[Xi]^4 + 2 \[Lambda]^2*\[Xi]^-2 - 3)/\[Beta]]
dw[\[Lambda]_, \[Xi]_] := D[w[\[Lambda], \[Xi]], \[Lambda]]
f[\[Lambda]_, \[Xi]_] := dw[\[Lambda], \[Xi]]/(1 - \[Lambda]^3)
sup[x_] := ((\[Delta] + x^3)/(1 + \[Delta]))^(1/3)
np = 11; points = weights = Table[Null, {np}];
intf[x0_, \[Xi]0_] :=
Block[{y = x0, \[Xi]1 = \[Xi]0},
Do[points[[i]] =
GaussianQuadratureWeights[np, y, sup[y]][[i, 1]], {i, 1, np}];
Do[weights[[i]] =
GaussianQuadratureWeights[np, y, sup[y]][[i, 2]], {i, 1, np}];
int = Sum[(f[\[Lambda], \[Xi]1] /. \[Lambda] -> points[[i]])*
weights[[i]], {i, 1, np}]; int]
eq1 := x''[t] + (1/
2 x'[t]^2 (3 - \[Delta]/
x[t]^3 (1 + \[Delta]/x[t]^3)^(-4/3) -
3 (1 + \[Delta]/x[t]^3)^(-1/3)) + intf[x[t], \[Xi][t]] -
deltap)/x[t]/(1 - (1 + \[Delta]/x[t]^3)^(-1/3)) == 0;
eq2 := \[Xi]'[
t] == \[Xi][
t]*(\[Mu] (x[t]^2*\[Xi][t]^-2 -
x[t]^-4*\[Xi][t]^4))/(3 \[Eta]b*(1 - (x[t]^-4*\[Xi][t]^4 +
2 x[t]^2*\[Xi][t]^-2 - 3)/\[Beta]));
sol = Timing@
NDSolve[{eq1, eq2, \[Xi][0] == 1, x'[0] == 0,
x[0] == inipoint}, {x[t], \[Xi][t]}, {t, 0, tlength}]
Figure 1 shows x[t]
(1) and $\xi (t)$ (2) for inipoint=3
Plot[Evaluate[{x[t], \[Xi][t]} /. Last[sol]], {t, 0, tlength},
AxesLabel -> Automatic, PlotLegends -> Automatic,
PlotLabel -> Row[{"inipoint = ", inipoint}]]
Construct a parametric function
pfun = ParametricNDSolveValue[{eq1, eq2, \[Xi][0] == 1, x'[0] == 0,
x[0] == p}, {x[tlength], \[Xi][tlength]}, {t, 0, tlength}, {p}]
Then we have
(*Out[]= {1.43111, 0.826233}*)
Figure 2 shows the dependence of functions {x[tlength], \[Xi][tlength]}
on the parameter p
. We see that when p>3.5095592
, instability is observed.
Plot[pfun[p], {p, 2, 3.5}]
Compare the solution with p=3.5095592
and with p=3.5095595
on fig.3. We see that the instability develops during the first rebound at x[t]-> 0
To make sure that this is a numerical instability, we use an explicit method with a very small step. Figure 4 shows that it is possible to pass the first bounce at inipoint=3.6
eq11 = {x'[t] == y[t],
y'[t] + (1/
2 y[t]^2 (3 - \[Delta]/
x[t]^3 (1 + \[Delta]/x[t]^3)^(-4/3) -
3 (1 + \[Delta]/x[t]^3)^(-1/3)) + intf[x[t], \[Xi][t]] -
deltap)/x[t]/(1 - (1 + \[Delta]/x[t]^3)^(-1/3)) ==
0}; eq21 = \[Xi]'[
t] == \[Xi][
t]*(\[Mu] (x[t]^2*\[Xi][t]^-2 -
x[t]^-4*\[Xi][t]^4))/(3 \[Eta]b*(1 - (x[t]^-4*\[Xi][t]^4 +
2 x[t]^2*\[Xi][t]^-2 - 3)/\[Beta]));
sol11 = Timing@
NDSolve[{eq11, eq2, \[Xi][0] == 1, y[0] == 0,
x[0] == 3.6}, {x[t], \[Xi][t], y[t]}, {t, 0, tlength},
Method -> "ExplicitEuler", MaxStepSize -> 1/5000000,
MaxSteps -> 10^7]
Plot[Evaluate[{x[t], \[Xi][t]} /. Last[sol11]], {t, 0, tlength},
AxesLabel -> Automatic, PlotLegends -> Automatic,
PlotLabel -> Row[{"inipoint = ", 3.6}], PlotRange -> All]