
When running the following code, I get the error message that "NIntegrate::inumr: The integrand ... has evaluated to non-numerical values for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{0,0.0695171}}". Can anyone help?

Here is the code:

R0[S_] := Integrate[RC[s] - RA, {s, 0, S}];
V[s_, S_] := αh ((RC[s] + ph)^(-(ρ/σ))  + (αh/αz)^(-(ρ/σ)))^((1 - ρ)/ρ)*
  (w - Tw + G + R0[S]/L - pf s - FC) ;
h[s_, S_] := (RC[s] + ph)^-σ/((αh/αz)^(-(ρ/σ)) + (RC[s] + ph)^(-(ρ/σ)))*
  (w - Tw + G + R0[S]/L - pf s - FC);
sol[S_] = Solve[{D[V[s, S], s] == 0}, RC'[s]];
solprime = Equal @@@ Flatten[sol[S]];
αh = 0.2; αz = 0.2; γ = 5; ph = 0.01; pf = 1; Tw = 0.3; G = 2; FC = 0.1;
w = 1; ρ = 0.2; σ = 1/(1 - ρ); L = 1; RA = 0.1; S = 0.9;
solND = NDSolve[{solprime[[1]], RC[S] == RA}, RC, {s, 0, S}]
Plot[RC[s] /. solND, {s, 0, S}]
pop = NIntegrate[1/h[s, S] /. First[solND], {s, 0, S}];

I don't know what goes wrong here.

ADDED after Henrik Schumacher's comment:

R0[S_] := Integrate[RC[s] - RA, {s, 0, S}];
P[s_, S_] := γ Integrate[(((αh/αz)^(-(ρ/σ))) + ((RC[x] + ph)^(-(ρ/σ))) )/
  ((RC[x] + ph)^-σ (w - Tw + G + R0[S]/L - (pf + tC) x - FC - TC)), {x, s, S}]
V[s_, S_] := αh ((RC[s] + ph)^(-(ρ/\[Sigma])) + (αh/αz)^(-(ρ/σ)))^((1 - ρ)/
  ρ) (w - Tw + G + R0[S]/L - (pf + tC) s - FC - TC) - P[s, S] ;
h[s_, S_] := (RC[s] + ph)^-σ/((αh/αz)^(-(ρ/σ)) + (RC[s] + ph)^(-(ρ/σ)))*
  (w - Tw + G + R0[S]/L - (pf + tC) s - FC - TC);
sol[S_] = Solve[{D[V[s, S], s] == 0}, RC'[s]];
solprime = Equal @@@ Flatten[sol[S]]
αh = 0.2; αz = 0.2; γ = 5; ph = 0.01; pf = 1; Tw = 0.3; G = 2; FC = 0.1;
tC = 0; TC = 0; w = 1; ρ = 0.2; σ = 1/(1 - ρ); L = 1; RA = 0.1; R0 = 1; S = 0.9;
solND = NDSolve[{solprime[[1]], RC[S] == RA}, RC, {s, 0, S}]
pop = NIntegrate[1/h[s, S] /. First[solND] /. Integrate -> NIntegrate, {s, 0, S}]

This gives me the same error message.

  • $\begingroup$ The first thing I try in such a circumstance is to evaluate the integrand myself at some value in the interval of integration to see what the result. Often I've left something undefined or misused another function. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Dec 1, 2018 at 20:58

2 Answers 2


Try the following on your revised more complicated code.

αh=0.2; αz=0.2; γ=5; ph=0.01; pf=1; Tw=0.3; G=2; FC=0.1; tC=0; TC=0; w=1;
ρ=0.2; σ=1/(1-ρ); L=1; RA=0.1; R0=1; S=0.9;
V[s_, S_] := αh ((RC[s]+ph)^(-ρ/σ)+(αh/αz)^(-ρ/σ))^((1-ρ)/ρ)*
h[s_, S_] := (RC[s]+ph)^-σ/((αh/αz)^(-ρ/σ)+(RC[s]+ph)^(-ρ/σ))(w-Tw+G+
sol[S_] = Solve[{D[V[s, S],s]==0},RC'[s]];
solprime = Equal@@@Flatten[sol[S]];
solND = NDSolve[{solprime[[1]], RC[S] == RA},RC,{s,0,S}];
pop = NIntegrate[1/h[s,S]/.First[solND]/.Integrate->NIntegrate,{s,0,S}]

which returns 0.120297

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you so much - your help is highly appreciated! $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 2, 2018 at 9:11

The Integrate in R0 does not get evaluated (because the integrand is a InterpolatingFunction?).

Try the following:

pop = NIntegrate[1/h[s, S] /. First[solND] /. Integrate -> NIntegrate, {s, 0, S}]


  • $\begingroup$ Thank you very much - this works! However, if I make the equations slightly more complicated (see edited question), I get the same error message. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 1, 2018 at 17:35

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