It could be a duplicate question. However I could not find much after a huge searching. I have a huge expression in mathematica involving many Zetas. I want not to evaluate the even Zetas which Mathematica does automatically.
This question has been raised before in a slightly different context in here:
Stop the Zeta function from evaluating
However I would like to know if there is any better way to do this.
exp= c2*Zeta[2]+c3*Zeta[3]+c4*Zeta[4]+c5*Zeta[5];
The expected output would be the same i.e.
but Mathematica does
(c2 Pi^2)/6 + (c4 Pi^4)/90 + c3 Zeta[3] + c5 Zeta[5]
Using the Inactive option:
Block[{Zeta = Inactive[Zeta]},c2*Zeta[2] + c3*Zeta[3] + c4*Zeta[4] + c5*Zeta[5]];
c2 Inactive[Zeta][2] + c3 Inactive[Zeta][3] + c4 Inactive[Zeta][4] + c5 Inactive[Zeta][5]
which when I Activate/Replace again gives the same problem. I am not using notebook interface where this solution 'works', I am using mathematica from terminal.
instead ofZeta
. $\endgroup$