I have the following function:
$y = \frac{8+10x^2+x^4+6x\sqrt{6+x^2}+x^3\sqrt{6+x^2}}{8+x^2}$
Using the following Mathematica command to find the inverse,
Solve[y == (8 + 10 x^2 + x^4 + 6 x Sqrt[6 + x^2] + x^3 Sqrt[6 + x^2])/(8 + x^2), x]
I get four outputs for x. They take almost the same form:
Four outputs is correct, since the original equation is a quartic equation. However all four solutions are undefined for $y = 1$. This doesn't make sense, since from the first equation there's obviously a value of $x$ that gives $y=1$: zero ($x=0$).
What is going on here? Is Mathematica failing to find the inverse?
If it matters, the function $y$ looks like this:
The four inverse functions look like this:
The original function clearly corresponds to the blue curve + green curve (up to 1) + orange curve (after 1), so Mathematica is finding some of the inverse; however there are extra curves that I'm not sure what to make of.