
I'm having some troubles manipulating a nested list:

{{2.5285, 2.54381}, {1.77463, 1.0246}, {1.30668, 1.31949}, {0.986982, 1.78699}, 
 {1.71224, 0.00986564}, {0.733888, 0.768184}, {0.0570823, 1.71373}}

I need to remove any list whose elements are not in some Interval[{0, x}], if the interval is [0, 1] I should keep only {{0.733888, 0.768184}}

The nested list may be of n elements {{a1, b1, d1, ..., n1}, {a2, b2, ..., n2}, ...}

Any idea?


1 Answer 1



list = {{2.5285, 2.54381}, {1.77463, 1.0246}, {1.30668, 1.31949}, {0.986982, 1.78699}, 
        {1.71224, 0.00986564}, {0.733888, 0.768184}, {0.0570823, 1.71373}};


Select[VectorQ[#, 0 <= # <= 1 &]&]@ list

(* Out: {{0.733888, 0.768184}} *)

You could wrap this in a function for convenience and to change the upper limit:

selectinterval[upperlimit_][list_] := Select[list, VectorQ[#, 0 <= # <= upperlimit &] &]

which you can use as follows to achieve the same result:


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