I have a TIFF image of 640 x 640 pixels, over which I would like to plot a list of points or disks of small radius.
I have been testing different alternatives and I found ImageCompose command.
ImageCompose[image, {Graphics[{PointSize[.009], Black, Point[{0, 0}]}], .6}, {600, 600}]
This places a point at location {600, 600}
relative to the origin at the left-bottom of the image, but if I set a point close to the right edge of the image, say {635, 600}
, the point is in the frame but there is no image behind it, because the image is not showing all its pixels. It appears that the first 20-25 pixels of the image and the last 20-25 pixels of the image are invisible.
When I tick the image it shows the image at the center of the frame and two blank vertical spaces at right and left of the image.
Two questions:
Does there exist any option or command I could use to show the full image, i.e., the entire 640 x 640 pixels?
How can I superimpose a list of points (e.g., 40 points) at specified pixel coordinates within the same image.
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