I have a set of points in an image, for example:
POI = {{32.5, 257.5}, {73., 250.5}, {55.5, 248.5}, {209., 246.5}, {186.5, 245.5}, {154.5, 241.}, {213.5, 235.5}, {169.5, 233.5}, {212.5, 233.5}, {104., 231.5}, {18., 229.5}, {93., 228.5}, {203.5, 227.5}, {109.5, 224.5}, {138., 223.5}, {222., 222.}, {208.5, 218.5}, {0.5, 210.5}, {65.5, 209.5}, {98.5, 208.5}, {7.16667, 205.167}, {30.5, 205.5}, {257., 205.5}, {88., 203.}, {210., 202.5}, {246.5, 203.5}, {257.5, 199.}, {40.5, 198.5}, {217.5, 198.5}, {193.5, 197.5}, {0.5, 195.5}, {44.5, 192.5}, {159.5, 188.}, {120.75, 185.}, {39.8333, 183.833}, {207., 184.}, {239., 184.5}, {178.5, 183.5}, {52.5, 182.5}, {19.3, 178.9}, {155.5, 180.5}, {167.5, 179.5}, {19.5, 174.5}, {89.5, 174.}, {206.5, 173.5}, {44., 169.5}, {32.5, 169.}, {130.5, 168.5}, {106.833, 166.833}, {202.9, 165.7}, {215.167, 164.833}, {231.5, 165.5}, {46.5, 164.5}, {242.5, 164.5}, {200.5, 160.5}, {255., 155.5}, {108.5, 154.5}, {197.167, 154.167}, {192., 153.}, {10.5, 151.5}, {32.5, 149.5}, {111.3, 146.3}, {136.5, 147.5}, {187.5, 147.5}, {257.5, 146.5}, {63.1667, 146.167}, {122.5, 144.}, {135.5, 144.5}, {177., 144.}, {218.5, 144.5}, {26.1667, 143.167}, {211.5, 141.5}, {188.5, 140.5}, {106.833, 137.833}, {0.5, 136.5}, {29., 136.}, {98.5, 135.5}, {185.5, 134.5}, {145.5, 133.5}, {113.5, 131.5}, {219., 130.5}, {70., 129.5}, {11.1667, 128.167}, {183.5, 128.5}, {63.5, 125.5}, {60.5, 124.}, {85.5, 124.5}, {67.5, 122.5}, {43.5, 121.}, {182.5, 121.5}, {155.5, 119.5}, {252.5, 119.5}, {124., 118.5}, {97.5, 117.5}, {45., 115.5}, {104.167, 114.833}, {69.5, 112.}, {40.5, 111.5}, {117.5, 111.}, {1., 110.}, {34.5, 109.5}, {189.5, 109.5}, {32.1667, 107.833}, {100.5, 106.5}, {45.5, 105.5}, {106.5, 104.5}, {205.5, 104.}, {167.5, 103.}, {173.5, 103.5}, {185.5, 102.5}, {123.5, 95.5}, {181.5, 95.}, {45.5, 94.5}, {26.5, 87.5}, {74.5, 86.5}, {179., 86.5}, {93.5, 83.}, {188.5, 83.5}, {13.5, 80.5}, {75.5, 79.5}, {41.5, 78.5}, {162.5, 78.5}, {9.83333, 76.1667}, {179.5, 76.5}, {151.5, 74.5}, {182., 72.5}, {141.167, 67.1667}, {235.5, 66.5}, {156., 64.5}, {167.5, 64.5}, {212.5, 64.5}, {199.833, 60.8333}, {157.5, 60.}, {121.5, 54.}, {198.5, 54.5}, {83.5, 48.5}, {179.5, 46.5}, {228.5, 46.5}, {127., 44.5}, {204.5, 44.5}, {35.5, 42.5}, {79.5, 41.5}, {66.5, 40.5}, {80.8333, 38.8333}, {190.5, 38.5}, {51., 36.5}, {243.5, 31.5}, {93., 29.5}, {232.5, 29.5}, {232.5, 22.5}, {35.5, 20.5}, {121.5, 20.5}, {159., 17.5}, {219.5, 14.5}, {253.5, 13.}, {214.5, 11.5}, {77.5, 9.5}, {7.,8.5}, {168., 8.5}, {219.833, 6.83333}, {83.8333, 4.83333}, {22.5, 3.}, {140.5, 0.5}, {227.5, 0.5}, {253.5, 0.5}};
I would like to generate rectangular morphological components (compatible with ComponentMeasurements) of a certain size that are centered on each of these points. Specifically, I would like the components to have a side length of $l$ pixels, and where each point in the morphological component is at most a fixed Manhattan distance $d_{max}$ away from its centerpoint.
How might I do this, perhaps using Dilate? And is it possible to have overlapping morphological components?
Update : Answer to the last point on whether components can overlap: No (see comment by belisarius below).
Update 2 : The command:
Dilation[Components, r]
Will take a single pixel, and blow it up it up into a square block with $r$ pixels on either side of the centerpoint. If there were some manner of generating a single-pixel component at each of my POI positions, I believe that would solve my problem. Is there an easy manner of doing this?