I'm looking to export a small graph in the documentation to a vector file, such that it's appearance doesn't change.
Originally, I wanted to use the following example from the doc page of AdjacencyList[]
with a single tweak to the vertex label color. Why? Because I liked the spacing it had on its labels, as you can see:
So I evaluated the cell, hoping to then add options programmatically, but simply evaluating it made the nice vertex formatting go away:
Ok, so I stepped back and just tried to export it as-is to any (vector) format at all. First, I tried converting it to graphics with the right click menu, no luck:
Then I tried saving to a variety file types, but again nothing I exported looked anything like the original graph, for example:
Interestingly, I found out that Postscript isn't even supported (it is an option and is supposed to be):
Finally, I tried the file menu option for saving a selection, but this does nothing or fails silently!
I'm at a loss that such a simple thing is evading me.
is seemingly distinct from the problem, even though it is why you want the problem solved. $\endgroup$