I want to plot the graph in this picture, but I don't know formula of the function. I tried
f[x_] := a x^9 + b x^8 + c x^7 + d x^6 + e x^5 + n x^4 + g x^3 +
h x^2 + k x + l ;
NSolve[{f[-2] == -2, f[2] == 2, f[4] == 4, f[0] == 6, f[1.5] == 3,
f'[0] == 0, f'[2.5] == 0, f'[1.5] == 0, f[2.5] == 1.5,
f'[1.2] == 0}, {a, b, c, d, e, n, g, h, k, l}, Reals]
I got
{{a -> 0.23626, b -> -2.61292, c -> 9.81292, d -> -9.83145, e -> -26.1737, n -> 76.7269, g -> -67.1827, h -> 16.1222, k -> 0., l -> 6.}}
But the result don't exactly.
How can I find formula of the function of this graph?