Found the animation of this graph (without code) and its function
And I just need a graph, not an animation. How to do it? It's just "Plot" or what? I mean, I'm confused, because I don't know what to do with i
Found the animation of this graph (without code) and its function
And I just need a graph, not an animation. How to do it? It's just "Plot" or what? I mean, I'm confused, because I don't know what to do with i
Under the working assumption that $\phi$ is a real variable from 0 to 2 $\pi$, one way to go about it is the following:
func[f_] := (Exp[I f] Sqrt[I Cos[2 f] + Sqrt[Sin[2 f]^2]])/(
Exp[I/2] + Sqrt[2] (I Cos[2 f] + Sqrt[Sin[2 f]^2])^(3/2))
ListPlot[Table[ReIm@func@f, {f, 0, 2 Pi, .01}], Joined -> True]
Many thanks to @Bob Hanlon for the following suggestion:
ParametricPlot[ReIm@func@f, {f, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotPoints -> 100]
ParametricPlot[ReIm@func@f, {f, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotPoints -> 100]
Aug 8, 2022 at 18:12