The following question uses the answers taken from here.
I have two images which should be adjusted by image correlation using FindGeometricTransform
The desired overlapped result should be the "overlapped image".
To do that I am using the following code:
img1 = Import[""];
img2 = Import[""];
{merit, trans} = FindGeometricTransform[img2, img1, TransformationClass -> "Similarity"];
imgt = ImageTransformation[img2, trans, DataRange -> Full];
Blend[{ColorNegate[img1], imgt}, {0.3, 1}]
The results is not exactly what I want.
First, the small disk is not centered inside of the larger disk.
Second, it has not the same size (I assume this should be obtained since
TransformationClass -> "Similarity"
considers translation, rotation, and scaling).Third, the resulting image is only showing some overlapped squared region and not the whole scaled images.
How could this be solved?