
Here are my data points:

59.51 -59.3642
58.9944 -58.8079
58.4836 -58.2471
57.9778 -57.6819
57.4769 -57.1122
56.981 -56.5383
56.4901 -55.96
56.0043 -55.3775
55.5236 -54.7907
55.048 -54.1998
54.5777 -53.6048
54.1125 -53.0056
53.6525 -52.4025
53.1979 -51.7953
52.7486 -51.1842
52.3046 -50.5692
51.866 -49.9503
51.4328 -49.3277
51.0051 -48.7013
50.5828 -48.0712
50.4206 -47.8259
50.0013 -48.2641
49.5782 -48.6986
49.1514 -49.1294
48.7208 -49.5564
48.2865 -49.9797
47.8485 -50.3992
47.4069 -50.8148
46.9616 -51.2266
46.5128 -51.6344
46.0604 -52.0384
45.6046 -52.4383
45.1452 -52.8343
44.6824 -53.2263
44.2163 -53.6141
43.7467 -53.998
43.2738 -54.3777
42.7977 -54.7532
42.3182 -55.1246
41.8356 -55.4918
41.3497 -55.8548
40.8607 -56.2135
40.3686 -56.5679
39.8734 -56.918
39.3752 -57.2638
38.874 -57.6053
38.3698 -57.9423
37.8627 -58.2749
37.3528 -58.6031
36.8399 -58.9269
36.3243 -59.2461
35.8059 -59.5608
35.2848 -59.871
34.761 -60.1767
34.2345 -60.4777
33.7055 -60.7741
33.1738 -61.066
32.6397 -61.3531
32.103 -61.6356
31.5639 -61.9134
31.0224 -62.1865
30.4786 -62.4549
29.9324 -62.7185
29.384 -62.9773
28.8333 -63.2313
28.2804 -63.4805
27.7253 -63.7249
27.1682 -63.9644
26.609 -64.1991
26.0477 -64.4288
25.4845 -64.6537
24.9193 -64.8736
24.3522 -65.0886
23.7833 -65.2986
23.2126 -65.5037
22.6401 -65.7037
22.0658 -65.8988
21.4899 -66.0889
20.9124 -66.2739
20.3333 -66.4538
19.7526 -66.6288
19.1704 -66.7986
18.5867 -66.9633
18.0017 -67.123
17.4152 -67.2775
16.8275 -67.4269
16.2384 -67.5712
15.6481 -67.7103
15.0567 -67.8443
14.464 -67.9731
13.8703 -68.0968
13.2755 -68.2152
12.6798 -68.3285
12.083 -68.4365
11.4853 -68.5393
10.8868 -68.637
10.2874 -68.7294
9.68725 -68.8165
9.08635 -68.8984
8.48476 -68.9751

I plotted these point in Mathematica.

enter image description here

The plot shows a cusp. I would like to modify the plot to round off the cusp.

enter image description here

How can I do this in Mathematica?

  • 6
    $\begingroup$ In order to recreate the graphics you present, I had to add commas, curly brackets, and partition the data since it seems to be presented as {x1, y1, x2, y2, ...}. You should edit the post and format the data so that it is a valid Mathematica list that will plot correctly without having to edit it. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 2, 2017 at 4:52
  • $\begingroup$ People here generally like users to post code as Mathematica code instead of a data in CSV/TSV/table form, so they can copy-paste it. It makes it convenient for them and more likely you will get someone to help you. You may find this this meta Q&A helpful $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jun 2, 2017 at 17:09

2 Answers 2


The data in Mathematica format is

data = {{59.51,-59.3642},{58.9944,-58.8079},{58.4836,-58.2471},{57.9778,-57.6819},{57.4769,-57.1122},



Find the peak:

peak = MaximalBy[data, Last]

{{50.4206, -47.8259}}

Find the position of the peak in the list:

peakpos = Position[data, peak[[1]]][[1,1]]


Set a width for the smoothing:

width = 5

We can try a quadratic smoothing:

quadratic = a x^2 + b x + c

quadRules = FindFit[Take[data, {peakpos - width, peakpos + width}], quadratic, {a, b, c}, x]

{a -> -0.54444, b -> 54.6503, c -> -1419.69}

Replace the original data points with the smoothed points:

newdata = ReplacePart[data, i_ /; peakpos - width <= i <= peakpos + width :> {data[[i, 1]],
  quadratic /. quadRules /. x -> data[[i, 1]]}]

Plot it:


enter image description here


ListPlot[newdata, PlotRange -> {{40, 60}, {-60, -30}}]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for your advice. Anyway, I also need your little help again. How to programming in order to know some position from my data point which has value y = 0? $\endgroup$
    – SelfA
    Commented Jun 11, 2017 at 1:35

Using the data from the other case, set the data to dat,

enter image description here

Now chop off the cusp.

datnocusp = Select[dat, (# // Last) < -5.5 &]

Plot this

enter image description here

Interpolate datnocusp and plot it.

ffnocusp = Interpolation[datnocusp];

Plot[ffnocusp[x], {x, dat // First // First, dat // Last // First}]

enter image description here

Plot with the original data.

     ListPlot[dat, Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> Red], 
     Plot[ffnocusp[x], {x, dat // First // First, dat // Last // First}]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for your help. Anyway do you know How to make programming in order to know some position from my data point which has value y = 0? $\endgroup$
    – SelfA
    Commented Jun 11, 2017 at 1:37
  • $\begingroup$ Are you looking for the cusp? The peak point? Or where it actually is zero? Does it have to be exactly zero? $\endgroup$
    – MikeY
    Commented Jun 11, 2017 at 12:43

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