Code is:
ListLogPlot[{data1T, data2T, data3T}, PlotRange -> All, Mesh -> All,
Joined -> True,
PlotLegends ->
Placed[{"1st JFET", "2nd JFET", "3rd JFET"}, {0.7, 0.3}],
Frame -> {{False, True}, {True, False}},
FrameLabel -> {{None, "ID (mA)"}, {"VGS (V)", None}},
FrameTicks -> All, PlotLabel -> "ID vs VGS for all 3 2N5486 nJFETs"]
Where my data is
{data1T,data2T,data3T}={{{-0.00007, 9.93}, {-0.0576, 9.57}, {-0.286, 8.51}, {-0.492,
7.61}, {-0.684, 6.8}, {-0.819, 6.27}, {-1.021, 5.48}, {-1.294,
4.46}, {-1.454, 3.9}, {-1.597, 3.42}, {-1.852, 2.6}, {-2.118,
1.84}, {-2.34, 1.27}, {-2.506, 0.892}, {-2.644, 0.617}, {-2.884,
0.244}, {-3.217, 0.0154}, {-3.442, 0.0003}, {-3.618,
0.}}, {{-0.00005, 12.64}, {-0.1857, 11.75}, {-0.4357,
10.64}, {-0.7212, 9.46}, {-0.8856, 8.79}, {-1.067, 8.06}, {-1.312,
7.11}, {-1.45, 6.6}, {-1.658, 5.84}, {-1.883, 5.05}, {-2.188,
4.04}, {-2.403, 3.34}, {-2.645, 2.654}, {-2.87, 2.03}, {-3.172,
1.29}, {-3.444, 0.729}, {-3.618, 0.437}}, {{-0.00005,
9.77}, {-0.0895, 9.35}, {-0.09541, 9.33}, {-0.1989,
8.88}, {-0.3123, 8.38}, {-0.4691, 7.71}, {-0.6259, 7.06}, {-0.7617,
6.53}, {-0.8837, 6.05}, {-1.044, 5.44}, {-1.263, 4.64}, {-1.424,
4.07}, {-1.613, 3.44}, {-1.887, 2.58}, {-2.185, 1.74}, {-2.273,
1.52}, {-2.495, 0.991}, {-2.689, 0.602}, {-3.02, 0.142}, {-3.4,
0.002}, {-3.62, 0.}}}
The important (problem) data points are near 0, so {-3.618, 0}
for data1T and {-3.62, 0}
for data3T. These points are clearly not plotted as no point on the green or blue line goes past -3.5
What is going on and how can I fix it? I have already set the PlotRange to All/Full (neither works)