This system of second-order nonlinear ODEs, like many others in this site, is difficult to solve numerically, because the desired asymptotic solution is a separatrix. As a consequence, infinitesimal numerical errors grow exponentially. Several methods have been demonstrated on this site to extend the range of integration somewhat, mostly involving very good initial guesses and high WorkingPrecision
. Note that integrating a coupled set of second-order nonlinear ODEs typically is far harder than integrating a single second-order nonlinear ODE.
However, this particular pair of second-order nonlinear ODEs can be integrated in a fairly straightforward manner. Begin by noting that each of the ODEs can be written as
eq1 = 149/100 w2''[r] == 3/(1 + 4 E^(-3/2 w2[r])) - 1
where w2
represents either of the two dependent variables, {w2p, w2n}
. At large r
, the desired solution has vanishingly small w2''[r]
, which permits the asymptotic value of w2
to be determined algebraically.
w20 = w2[r] /. Flatten@Solve[eq1[[2]] == 0, w2[r]] /. C[1] -> 0
(* (2 Log[2])/3 *)
Next, eq1
can be multiplied by w2'[r]
and integrated once to yield
149/200 w2'[r]^2 + c == Integrate[eq1[[2]], w2[r]]
(* c + 149/200 w2'[r]^2 == 2 Log[4 + E^((3 w2[r])/2)] - w2[r] *)
where c
is a constant of integration. It, in turn, is determined by using the large r
boundary condition that w2'[r]
also is vanishingly small.
% /. {w2'[r] -> 0, w2[r] -> w20} /. Equal -> Rule
(* c -> -((2 Log[2])/3) + 2 Log[6] *)
which then leads to
eq2 = Flatten@Solve[%% /. %, w2'[r]] /. Rule -> Equal
(* {w2'[r] == -10 Sqrt[2/447] Sqrt[2 Log[2] - 6 Log[6] + 6 Log[4 + E^((3 w2[r])/2)] -
3 w2[r]],
w2'[r] == 10 Sqrt[2/447] Sqrt[2 Log[2] - 6 Log[6] + 6 Log[4 + E^((3 w2[r])/2)] -
3 w2[r]]} *)
in the first equation of eq2
can be identified as w2n
, and in the second equation as w2p
eq2[[2]] = eq2[[2]] /. {w2'[r] -> w2p'[r], w2[r] -> w2p[r]};
eq2[[1]] = eq2[[1]] /. {w2'[r] -> w2n'[r], w2[r] -> w2n[r]};
(* {w2n'[r] == -10 Sqrt[2/447] Sqrt[2 Log[2] - 6 Log[6] + 6 Log[4 + E^((3 w2n[r])/2)] -
3 w2n[r]],
w2p'[r] == 10 Sqrt[2/447] Sqrt[2 Log[2] - 6 Log[6] + 6 Log[4 + E^((3 w2p[r])/2)] -
3 w2p[r]]} *)
At this point, the pair of second-order ODEs has been simplified to a pair of first-order ODEs, and the integration converted from a boundary value problem to an initial value problem. Using the r == 0
boundary conditions from the question,
(w2p'[0] + w2n'[0] == 0, w2p[0] - w2n[0] == -2321/100}
then yields,
bc = FindRoot[{((eq2[[1, 2]] + eq2[[2, 2]]) /. r -> 0) == 0,
w2p[0] - w2n[0] == -2321/100}, {{w2p[0], -12}, { w2n[0], 12}}] /. Rule -> Equal
(* {w2p[0] == -14.5491, w2n[0] == 8.66086} *)
with bc
can be integrated numerically without difficulty.
dstar = 40;
sp = Flatten@NDSolveValue[{eq2[[2]], bc[[1]]}, w2p[r], {r, 0, dstar}];
sn = Flatten@NDSolveValue[{eq2[[1]], bc[[2]]}, w2n[r], {r, 0, dstar}];
Plot[{sp, sn}, {r, 0, dstar}, PlotRange -> All]
As expected, wp2[dstar]
and w2n[dstar]
agree well with the asymptotic result, w20
Chop[{sp, sn, w20 // N} /. r -> dstar]
(* {0.462098, 0.462098, 0.462098} *)