Excited to see version 11 advertised as solving partial differential eigenproblems - then disappointed when I tried to use NDEigensystem beyond simple cases. I wonder if anyone can explain why different definitions of the same region can lead to different behaviour.
My example is to solve a 2D Laplacian with a 4-lobed Dirichlet boundary defined by the plane-polar curve r=1+.3*Cos[4*phi]. The shape is unimportant, it's just an example. I defined this region in 3 different ways. The first two capture all points from the origin to r for all angles phi. The boundary r(x,y) along the radial line through x,y is expressed in cartesian coords either via phi using the ArcTan function (region1) or directly from x and y after some trig manipulation on a piece of paper (region2). The third way forms region3 rather artificially from region2 by taking 1/4 of it, making rotated copies and using RegionUnion:
boundary1[x_, y_] := 1. + 0.3*Cos[4*ArcTan[x, y]];
region1 = ImplicitRegion[x^2 + y^2 <= boundary1[x, y]^2, {x, y}];
boundary2[x_, y_] := 1. + 0.3*(1 - 8*x^2*(y^2/(x^2 + y^2)^2));
region2 = ImplicitRegion[x^2 + y^2 <= boundary2[x, y]^2, {x, y}];
regionSectorA =
RegionIntersection[Disk[{0, 0}, 2., {-Pi/4, Pi/4}], region2];
regionSectorB =
TransformedRegion[regionSectorA, RotationTransform[Pi/2]];
regionSectorC =
TransformedRegion[regionSectorA, RotationTransform[Pi]];
regionSectorD =
TransformedRegion[regionSectorA, RotationTransform[-Pi/2]];
region3 =
RegionUnion[regionSectorA, regionSectorB, regionSectorC,
They all seem to give the same, valid, region when plotted:
{RegionPlot[region1, PlotRange -> RegionBounds[region1]], RegionPlot[region2, PlotRange -> RegionBounds[region2]], RegionPlot[region3, PlotRange -> RegionBounds[region3]]}
but when I then try to find the first solution of the eigensystem using:
sol1 = NDEigensystem[{-Laplacian[u[x, y], {x, y}], DirichletCondition[u[x, y] == 0, True]}, u[x, y], Element[{x, y}, region1], 1]
sol2 = NDEigensystem[{-Laplacian[u[x, y], {x, y}], DirichletCondition[u[x, y] == 0, True]}, u[x, y], Element[{x, y}, region2], 1]
sol3 = NDEigensystem[{-Laplacian[u[x, y], {x, y}], DirichletCondition[u[x, y] == 0, True]}, u[x, y], Element[{x, y}, region3], 1]
the outcomes are quite different. region1 fails completely, with the unhelpful error message "Message text not found"! region2 succeeds without error. region3 complains that the bounds to the region are infinite (even though it's just plotted a finite region for me, above, as confirmed by RegionBounds) then delivers a different solution to the one from region2. Plotting the eigenfunctions for region2 and region3 using:
Quiet[Plot3D[-sol2[[2,1]], Element[{x, y}, region2], PlotRange -> RegionBounds[region3], PlotLabel -> Sqrt[sol2[[1,1]]]]]
Quiet[Plot3D[sol3[[2,1]], Element[{x, y}, region3], PlotRange -> RegionBounds[region3], PlotLabel -> Sqrt[sol3[[1,1]]]]]
shows that the region3 computation has arbitrarily truncated to the unit square before solving.
Can anyone please shed some light on what's going on? More than anything I'm looking for an understanding of what region definitions do and don't work, and why. (FYI the more-messy problem I really want to solve defines r(phi) for a Pi/n sector that then repeats periodically with phi. I can't think of a way to define this region without either ArcTan or RegionUnion.) I'm running version 11.0 on a 64 bit Win 8.1 PC.