
What is the correct method to replace all types of infinity e.g. ComplexInfinity that are present in a Flatten Table format with text that can be recognised by other languages e.g. NaN?

I have // If[ToString[#] == "ComplexInfinity", "NaN", #] & but at present I must apply this separately to every input variable in Table as,

f[x_] := 1/x;
g[x_] := 1/(x - 4);
Table[{f[x] // If[ToString[#] == "ComplexInfinity", "NaN", #] &, 
       g[x] // If[ToString[#] == "ComplexInfinity", "NaN", #] &}, 
      {x, {0, 10, 1}}]
  • Is there a better way to iterate this through the Table?
  • As a side note, if I change, "NaN", #] & to "NaN", N[#, 4]] & to include number formatting then it breaks my code
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ Something like list /. x_DirectedInfinity :> "NaN"? $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 1, 2016 at 19:26
  • $\begingroup$ @J.M. Works perfectly thanks. w.r.t. previous edit I jsut discovered the GetHelp interface ;) $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 1, 2016 at 19:27
  • $\begingroup$ Instead of searching for them in Google, try this: when you encounter an unfamiliar symbol in your notebook, highlight it and press F1. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 1, 2016 at 19:30

1 Answer 1

f[x_] := 1/x;
g[x_] := 1/(x - 4);

list = Quiet @ Table[{f[x], g[x]}, {x, {0, 10, 1}}]

{{ComplexInfinity, -1/4}, {1/10, 1/6}, {1, -1/3}}

Since there isn't only ComplexInfinity, but also other non-numeric forms like Indeterminate and DirectedInfinity, I suggest a more general approach:

Replace[list, x_ /; ! NumericQ[x] :> "NaN", {2}]

{{"NaN", -1/4}, {1/10, 1/6}, {1, -1/3}}

Define it as a function

nan = Replace[#, x_ /; ! NumericQ[x] :> "NaN", {2}] &;

Apply it

nan @ Quiet @ Table[{f[x], g[x]}, {x, {0, 10, 1}}]

{{"NaN", -1/4}, {1/10, 1/6}, {1, -1/3}}


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