I'm using FrameLabel to create the label "ln p'(t)" [which is, natural log of the function p'(t)]. This is to be publication quality, so I specify Times font, and Italics (see below). But the "prime" does not italicize (that is, it remains upright rather than slanted). So I try to achieve that end by the Superscript (see below), but that produces " ln (t)p' ". Can someone suggest how to get the proper look for "ln p'(t)" ? Thank you!
Graphics[Frame -> True,
FrameLabel -> {"ln " AngleBracket[Style["R(t)", Italic]],
"ln " Superscript[Style["p", Italic], ′] Style["(t)", Italic]},
LabelStyle -> Directive[FontFamily -> Times, FontSize -> 16]]