I am trying to have the symbol $\epsilon_{9/2,4}^-$ as the axis label in a graph in Mathematica. First problem is that: when I use Subscript[$\epsilon$,9/2,4], 9/2 changes to $\frac{9}{2}$ (which I don't want, because it doesn't look good). Second problem is that Subscript[$\epsilon$,9/2,4]^- does not work. Can anyone please let me know how to do this? Thanks!
2 Answers
One very robust way to do such things is using the BoxLanguage of Mma. Your task for example is solved by the construct:
SubsuperscriptBox["\[Epsilon]", "2.4", "-"] // DisplayForm
placed just where you enter the desired AxesLabel. It can be, however, styled in addition, for example, as follows:
StyleBox[SubsuperscriptBox["\[Epsilon]", "2.4", "-"],
FontColor -> Red, FontSize -> 18, FontWeight -> Bold] // DisplayForm
I will give below the example of its use for formatting the axes labels, by fromatting them differently (e.g. different colors, fonts and fixing FontWeight):
Plot[Sin[eps], {eps, 0, 3},
AxesLabel -> {StyleBox[SubsuperscriptBox["\[Epsilon]", "2.4", "-"],
FontColor -> Red, FontSize -> 18, FontWeight -> Bold] //
StyleBox[SuperscriptBox["x", "y/z"], FontFamily -> "Mathematica6",
FontSize -> 18, FontColor -> Blue, FontWeight -> Bold] //
This returns the following plot:
I organized these constructs in such a way that one may use them without knowing anything else about the BoxLanguage. Have fun!
$\begingroup$ Comment just to clarify: The fonts actually looks great unlike in the included image. I guess it looks low resolution here either because of the way it was exported or because it was created using a much older version. $\endgroup$– KvotheCommented Dec 7, 2022 at 15:13
$\begingroup$ @Kvothe First, this has been posted in 2014. That is, a rather old version. Second, one has to understand what this image is for. If it rests in a notebook, it will look much better without further effort. If I need to publish a plot, say, in a journal, I use the following trick:
Rasterize[plot, RasterSize->800]
and play with the value of theRasterSize
until the quality becomes good enough. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 8, 2022 at 13:00 -
$\begingroup$ thanks, and it was not meant as a criticism. I almost dismissed the answer without paying much attention to it because I thought the result was bad anyway. Then I realized that might just be an issue with the included image and tested it. I wanted to warn people that the image looks good so that they don't instantly dismiss the answer. $\endgroup$– KvotheCommented Dec 8, 2022 at 14:29
I just wanted to provide this with a complete answer, since I had this very same question. There are two ways to enter both a sub and a superscript, one using the Subsuperscript
command (as noted by @Pinguin Dirk), and one using shortcut keys, which is described in the help:
To enter a subsuperscript in a notebook, use either Ctrl+_ to begin a regular subscript or Ctrl+^ to begin a regular superscript. After typing the first script, use Ctrl+% to move to the opposite script position. Ctrl+Space moves out of the subscript or superscript position.
Using the shortcut keys enables one to actually have the subsuperscript style while typing, rather than just as an output.
Subsuperscript[\[Epsilon], "9/2,4", "-"]