I have a command that gives me an error message with lots of abbreviations like Power[<<2>>]
. Specifically, I get
Sorry for the bad formatting, I don't know how to paste Mathematica code here properly. Here is a screenshot for better readability:
My question now is: How can I expand these <<2>>
terms, so that I can see what exactly failed and possibly copy-paste the term to evaluate it individually?
If someone knows how <<2>> is called I would gladly add a tag for it.
The full code to reproduce this behavior is below. The first part are definitions:
(* Define the integral function. *)
θ[ϱ_, ρ0_] := 2 ArcTan[Exp[(ϱ - ρ0)]] + 2 ArcTan[Exp[(ϱ + ρ0)]]
mz[ϱ_, ρ0_] := Cos[θ[ϱ, ρ0]]
K[k_] := EllipticK[k^2/(-1 + k^2)]/Sqrt[1 - k^2]
k[p_, y_, z_] := Sqrt[4 y z/(p^2 + (y + z)^2)]
g1[x_, ϱ_] := 1/Pi Sqrt[1/(x ϱ)] (k[0, x, ϱ] K[k[0, x, ϱ]] -
k[1, x, ϱ] K[k[1, x, ϱ]])
g0[x_] := Evaluate[Limit[g1[x, ϱ], ϱ -> 0, Assumptions -> {x > 0}]]
g[x_, ϱ_] = Piecewise[{{g0[x], ϱ == 0}, {g1[x, ϱ], ϱ > 0}}]
f[ϱ_, ρ0_, δ_] := δ^2 Re[
x (1 - mz[x, ρ0]) g[x δ , ϱ δ] Boole[x - ϱ < 0], {x, 0, ρ0 + 15},
PrecisionGoal -> 7, Method -> {"GlobalAdaptive", "MaxErrorIncreases" -> 100000,
Method -> {"GaussKronrodRule", "Points" -> 3}}, MaxRecursion -> 20,
WorkingPrecision -> 30] +
x (1 - mz[x, ρ0]) g[x δ, ϱ δ] Boole[x - ϱ > 0], {x, 0, ρ0 + 15},
PrecisionGoal -> 7, Method -> {"GlobalAdaptive", "MaxErrorIncreases" -> 100000,
Method -> {"GaussKronrodRule", "Points" -> 3}}, MaxRecursion -> 20,
WorkingPrecision -> 30]] - 2 (1 - UnitStep[ϱ - ρ0])
I3[ρ0_, δ_, rmax_, precision_] := NIntegrate[mz[ϱ, ρ0] f[ϱ, ρ0, δ], {ϱ, 0, rmax}]
The error is triggered when I try to evaluate the following:
I3[10, 1/100, 10^7, 7]
. $\endgroup$FullForm
before the equation or terms are evaluated. $\endgroup$<< ... >>
form is calledSkeleton
. Unfortunately it is my understanding that the information once contained in the skeleton form is actually lost, so you will have to work with the expression that generates the error to get more information instead. It would really help if you could post the expression that generated the error, rather than the error itself. See this question and its answer for more information on how to format code to post on this site. $\endgroup$