I have a variety of possible errors in each iteration of a for loop.
If, in one iteration of the loop, there are more than 3 error messages of the same kind, I am happy that the rest are suppressed.
But if errors occur in the next iteration, I need them to be shown.
I tried turning on all error messages after each iteration using On[]; but this turns on a lot of messages which are off by default, which litter my output with red messages that are irrelevant to what I'm doing.
How do I turn on only those error messages which were suppressed? Is there a way to do this without manually catching each suppressed error? Maybe something like On[default], or maybe by previously saving the set of errors which are on, and then resetting back to that state.
, that is switch off the message that is shown after the 3 consecutive messages. $\endgroup$$MessageList
as described here $\endgroup$