I have a problem with VectorPlot
for spin current density and I tried it my self but not working. Here is the code according to Jens solution:
Clear[x, y, ψ1, ψ2, ψ3, ψ4, eqn, eqnWithInitial,v, j];
eqn = Thread[
I D[{ψ1[x, y, t], ψ2[x, y, t], ψ3[x, y, t], ψ4[
x, y, t]},
t] == {v (-I D[ψ3[x, y, t], x] - D[ψ3[x, y, t], y]) +
2 Δ ψ4[x, y, t],
v (-I D[ψ4[x, y, t], x] - D[ψ4[x, y, t], y]),
v (-I D[ψ1[x, y, t], x] + D[ψ1[x, y, t], y]),
v (-I D[ψ2[x, y, t], x] + D[ψ2[x, y, t], y]) +
2 Δ ψ1[x, y, t]}];
eqnWithInitial =
Thread[{ψ1[x, y, 0], ψ2[x, y, 0], ψ3[x, y,
0], ψ4[x, y, 0]} == {1, 1, 1,
1} (x + I*y) Exp[-(x^2 + y^2)]],
Thread[{ψ1[-5, y, t], ψ2[-5, y, t], ψ3[-5, y,
t], ψ4[-5, y, t]} == {ψ1[5, y, t], ψ2[5, y,
t], ψ3[5, y, t], ψ4[5, y, t]}],
Thread[{ψ1[x, -5, t], ψ2[x, -5, t], ψ3[x, -5,
t], ψ4[x, -5, t]} == {ψ1[x, 5, t], ψ2[x, 5,
t], ψ3[x, 5, t], ψ4[x, 5, t]}]];
v = 1;
Δ = 1;
tMax = 8;
solution =
eqnWithInitial, {ψ1[x, y, t], ψ2[x, y, t], ψ3[x, y,
t], ψ4[x, y, t]}, {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}, {t, 0, tMax},
Method -> {"MethodOfLines",
"SpatialDiscretization" -> {"TensorProductGrid",
"DifferenceOrder" -> "Pseudospectral"}}];
Ψ1[x_, y_, t_] = ψ1[x, y, t] /. solution;
Ψ2[x_, y_, t_] = ψ2[x, y, t] /. solution;
Ψ3[x_, y_, t_] = ψ3[x, y, t] /. solution;
Ψ4[x_, y_, t_] = ψ4[x, y, t] /. solution;
pl = Table[
Plot3D[{Re[Ψ1[x, y, t]] - 2,
2 + Re[Ψ2[x, y, t]], Re[Ψ3[x, y, t]] - 1,
1 + Re[Ψ4[x, y, t]]}, {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5},
PlotRange -> {-3, 3},
PlotStyle -> {Red, Directive[Opacity[.9], Orange]},
BoxRatios -> 1], {t, 0, tMax, tMax/20}];
p2 = Table[
Plot3D[Abs[Ψ2[x, y, t]], {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5},
PlotRange -> {-3, 3},
PlotStyle -> {Orange, Directive[Opacity[.9]]},
BoxRatios -> 1], {t, 0, tMax, tMax/20}];
Here is the code for the Spin current
j[x_, y_, t_] = -(I/
2) (Conjugate[Ψ2[x, y, t]]*
D[Ψ2[x, y, t], {{x, y}}] -
D[Conjugate[Ψ2[x, y, t]], {{x, y}}]*Ψ2[x, y, t]);
VectorPlot3D[Re[j[x, y, t]], {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}, {t, 0, tMax}]
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Here is with some modification
j[x_, y_,t_] = -(I/2) (Conjugate[\[CapitalPsi]3[x, y, t]]*D[\[CapitalPsi]3[x, y, t], {{x, y}}]-Conjugate[D[\[CapitalPsi]3[x, y, t], {{x, y}}]]*\[CapitalPsi]3[x,y,t]);
VectorPlot[j[x, y, 3], {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}]
My follow up question is to plot the z-component for the (rot j[x, y, t])
. There is still derivative before Conjugate in the new expression.
vecField[x_, y_, t_]=D[Part[j[x, y, t], 2], x]-D[Part[j[x, y, t], 1], y];
VectorPlot[vecField[x, y, 3], {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}]
the z component of the current density:
$\nabla\times J=(\frac{\partial J_y}{\partial x}-\frac{\partial J_x}{\partial y})$
Here is my trial but still unable to plot the z component of the current density:
j4a[x_, y_, t_] =
Part[-(I/2) (Conjugate[D[\[CapitalPsi]4[x, y, t], y]]*
D[\[CapitalPsi]4[x, y, t], x, {y, 2}] -
Conjugate[D[\[CapitalPsi]4[x, y, t], x, {y, 2}]]*
D[\[CapitalPsi]4[x, y, t], y]), 2];
j4b[x_, y_, t_] =
Part[-(I/2) (Conjugate[D[\[CapitalPsi]4[x, y, t], y]]*
D[\[CapitalPsi]4[x, y, t], x, {y, 2}] -
Conjugate[D[\[CapitalPsi]4[x, y, t], x, {y, 2}]]*
D[\[CapitalPsi]4[x, y, t], y]), 1];
vecField[x_, y_, t_] = j4a[x, y, t] - j4b[x, y, t];
VectorPlot[vecField[x, y, 3], {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}]
with an error of
Part::partw: Part 1 of {} does not exist. >>
Here is my own answer after explicitly written the expression for the current density
myrotorz1[x_, y_,
t_] = -I/2*(-Conjugate[D[\[CapitalPsi]1[x, y, t], y]]*
D[\[CapitalPsi]1[x, y, t], x] +
D[\[CapitalPsi]1[x, y, t], y]*
Conjugate[D[\[CapitalPsi]1[x, y, t], x]] +
Conjugate[D[\[CapitalPsi]1[x, y, t], x]]*
D[\[CapitalPsi]1[x, y, t], y] -
D[\[CapitalPsi]1[x, y, t], x]*
Conjugate[D[\[CapitalPsi]1[x, y, t], y]])
Plot3D[Re[myrotorz1[x, y, 0]], {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5},
PlotRange -> All]
A follow up question, I would like to plot myrotorz1[x, y, t]
as a function of t
but shows an error. Any comments would be highly appreciated
Data = NIntegrate[myrotorz1[x, y, t], {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}];
Table[Plot[Re[Data], {t, 0, 6, 0.1}], PlotRange -> All]
These are the errors I get
(Debug) During evaluation of In[5]:= NIntegrate::inumr: The integrand myrotorz1[x,y,t] has evaluated to non-numerical values for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{-5,5},{-5,5}}. >>
(Debug) During evaluation of In[5]:= NIntegrate::inumr: The integrand myrotorz1[x,y,t] has evaluated to non-numerical values for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{-5,5},{-5,5}}. >>
(Debug) During evaluation of In[5]:= Table::itform: Argument PlotRange->All at position 2 does not have the correct form for an iterator. >>
(Debug) Out[6]= Table[Plot[Re[Data], {t, 0, 6, 0.1}], PlotRange -> All]
(Debug) During evaluation of In[3]:= General::stop: Further output of NIntegrate::inumr will be suppressed during this calculation. >>
General::stop: Further output of NIntegrate::inumr will be suppressed during this calculation. >>