
fixed in 10.1 (windows)

There's something wrong with how Min and Max are implemented for TimeObject:

times = {TimeObject[List[0, 14, 55.99`]], TimeObject[List[0, 14, 57.8`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.09`]], TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.11`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.12`]], TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.14`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.4`]], TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.44`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.45`]], TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.47`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 15, 0.39`]], TimeObject[List[0, 15, 3.27`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 15, 5.44`]], TimeObject[List[0, 15, 8.45`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 15, 9.34`]], TimeObject[List[0, 15, 12.65`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 15, 19.96`]], TimeObject[List[0, 15, 20.82`]]};

based on timing:

Table[k -> (Take[times, k] // Min // Timing // First), {k, 15}] 

{1 -> 0.000021, 2 -> 0.000643, 3 -> 0.000955, 4 -> 0.001439, 5 -> 0.002542, 6 -> 0.004146, 7 -> 0.008497, 8 -> 0.019078, 9 -> 0.042076, 10 -> 0.097678, 11 -> 0.227000, 12 -> 0.540869, 13 -> 1.331936, 14 -> 3.248148, 15 -> 8.268877}

Similar numbers for Max. Have not tested other functions. This is on a 3.2Ghz Mac. Can anyone else replicate?

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ I can confirm the problem in 10.0.2 under Windows. $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Mar 6, 2015 at 23:00
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Confirmed in MacOS Yosemite, using V10.0.2 $\endgroup$
    – Murta
    Commented Mar 7, 2015 at 10:07

3 Answers 3


fixed in 10.1

Mathematica graphics

Mathematica graphics


times = {TimeObject[List[0, 14, 55.99`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 14, 57.8`]], TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.09`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.11`]], TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.12`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.14`]], TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.4`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.44`]], TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.45`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 14, 59.47`]], TimeObject[List[0, 15, 0.39`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 15, 3.27`]], TimeObject[List[0, 15, 5.44`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 15, 8.45`]], TimeObject[List[0, 15, 9.34`]], 
   TimeObject[List[0, 15, 12.65`]], TimeObject[List[0, 15, 19.96`]],
    TimeObject[List[0, 15, 20.82`]]};
 Table[k -> (Take[times, k] // Min // Timing // First), {k, 15}]

I can confirm the problem in 10.0.2 under Windows. I think it can only be a bug.

One can at least work around the problem in this example using MinimalBy and MaximalBy:

times2 = RandomSample[times];  (* start with a random order *)

MinimalBy[times2, Identity, 1] // Timing
{0., {TimeObject[{0, 14, 55.99}]}}
MaximalBy[times2, Identity, 1] // Timing
{0., {TimeObject[{0, 15, 20.82}]}}

Confirmed in Windows x64.

Min takes exponential time with respect to the number x of TimeObjects to analyze:

Using Fit[timings, {1, x, Exp[x]}, x] on my results here, I get the following equation for the time required:

-0.0644554 + 2.89365*10^-6 E^x + 0.0157914 x

so, finding the minimum of 20 TimeObjects would level in somewhere around 1400 s.

The current situation with Min in graphical form:

Min for 1 to 15 TimeObjects

Please report this bug to Wolfram and in the meantime go with Mr. Wizard's workaround or use a construct like

times[[Ordering[times, 1]]]

which is faster than MinimalBy for larger TimeObject-lists:

(* {0.001001, 0.016008} *)
  • $\begingroup$ +1, and I've filed w/ WRI support. Let me ask about the mothod, a polynomial can fit any finite number of points even if exponentially growing. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 7, 2015 at 23:59
  • $\begingroup$ @alancalvitti: Try it and you will find, that a polynomial tends to oscillate between the measurements. This one is clearly an exponential. $\endgroup$
    – Jinxed
    Commented Mar 8, 2015 at 0:14
  • $\begingroup$ No, for example, take the timing data in my Q and then interpolate using a spline curve - which afaik are all polynomial, including Bezier: Map[Apply[List]] // Interpolation[#, Method -> "Spline"] & // Plot[#[x], {x, 0, 15}] & $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 8, 2015 at 3:24
  • $\begingroup$ @alancalvitti: True, but have a look at the extrapolation behavior: My function extrapolates correctly. Yours doesn't. Try interpolating a shortened list of timings and observe, if the remainer of the list is "hit". It does with Exp[x], it does not with your polynomial. $\endgroup$
    – Jinxed
    Commented Mar 8, 2015 at 9:02
  • $\begingroup$ Right, that's an appropriate test - but note that comparison isn't in your original answer. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 8, 2015 at 17:34

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