Bug introduced in 12.1 and persisting through 14.0.0
WRI has confirmed that this is a bug. CASE:4521676
The performance of Min
and Max
on a list of DateInterval
is O(2^n)
where n
is the length of the list.
(* 12.1.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (March 14, 2020) *)
Generate some random date intervals
SeedRandom[11]; intervals = 30;
dateIntervals =
Table[DateInterval[{DateObject[{2019, 6, 15, 16, k = RandomInteger[{0, 59}]}],
DateObject[{2019, 6, 15, 16, RandomInteger[{k, 59}]}]}], intervals];
Timing Min
for lengths 1
to 24
. This takes ~5 min on my machine.
timings = Table[{n, dateIntervals // Take[#, n] & // Min // AbsoluteTiming // First}, {n, 1, 24}];
Fit 2^n
nlm = NonlinearModelFit[timings, b 2^n, {b}, n]
Show[ListLogPlot[timings], LogPlot[nlm[x], {x, 1, 24}]]
An easy workaround
dateIntervals // Map[Min] // Min
Strange that this simple operation would have performance issues.
Is this reproducible on other platforms? Any other workaround ideas?
I have reported this to WRI.
. $\endgroup$