Not an answer at all but some insight. Let's first define two global variables we will use for looking at how fast your integral is evaluated:
calledIntegrate = 0;
evalStep = 0;
Now, let me redefine your target function by compiling the integrand to make it faster. Additionally, we will increase calledIntegrate
on each call:
cf = Compile[{{q, _Real, 0}, {ra, _Real, 0}, {rb, _Real, 0}, {x, _Real, 0}},
((3 (4 Pi)/3 ra rb^2 1/(q rb (1 + x^2 ((ra/rb)^2 - 1)))^3 (Sin[
q rb (1 + x^2 ((ra/rb)^2 - 1))] - (q rb (1 +
x^2 ((ra/rb)^2 - 1)) Cos[q rb (1 + x^2 ((ra/rb)^2 - 1))])))^2)]
(* int is only a wrapper to force x to be numeric *)
int[q_?NumericQ, ra_?NumericQ, rb_?NumericQ, x_?NumericQ] := cf[q, ra, rb, x];
FHali[q_?NumericQ, ra_?NumericQ, rb_?NumericQ, px_?NumericQ] :=
px NIntegrate[int[q, ra, rb, x], {x, 0, 1}])
Now initialize you test data
TestData = Array[#1/1024*2.5 + 0*#2 &, {1024, 2}];
TestData[[n, 2]] = FHali[TestData[[n, 1]], 4.5, 6.8, 1]*RandomReal[{1 - .1, 1 + .1}],
{n, 1024}];
and now run the fit
Dynamic[{calledIntegrate, evalStep}]
weightedNorm[residuals_] := Norm[residuals/TestData[[All, 2]]]
IntensityWeightedParams =
FindFit[TestData, {FHali[q, ra, rb, p], {0 < ra < 10,
5 < rb < 15}}, {{ra, 4.5}, {rb, 6.8}, {p, 1}}, q,
NormFunction -> weightedNorm, MaxIterations -> 10,
Method -> "NMinimize", EvaluationMonitor :> evalStep++]
After some seconds, I have over 30000 calls to fHali
but only 30 evaluation steps. I guess no matter how fast you can get your target function, it will never be fast enough so that you can use it with this approach.
One very crude idea is to skip NIntegrate
. You will loose all the fancy stepping and adaption algorithms and I'm sure if the integrand is evil, the world will explode but maybe, it will give you an initial guess for your parameters. What I do is taking the same compiled code only that I'm simply dividing the interval [0,1]
equally and replace the integration by a simple sum:
With[{cf =
Compile[{{q, _Real, 0}, {ra, _Real, 0}, {rb, _Real, 0}, {x, _Real,
0}}, ((3 (4 Pi)/
3 ra rb^2 1/(q rb (1 + x^2 ((ra/rb)^2 - 1)))^3 (Sin[
q rb (1 + x^2 ((ra/rb)^2 - 1))] - (q rb (1 +
x^2 ((ra/rb)^2 - 1)) Cos[
q rb (1 + x^2 ((ra/rb)^2 - 1))])))^2),
Parallelization -> True, CompilationTarget -> "C",
RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable}],
points = Table[x, {x, 0, 1, 1/100.}]},
FHali[q_?NumericQ, ra_?NumericQ, rb_?NumericQ, px_?NumericQ] :=
px Plus @@ cf[q, ra, rb, points]/Length[points]
When I compare the execution time of 1000 calls with your original F
(you need to define it again!)
AbsoluteTiming[Do[#[1.1, 4.5, 6.8, 1], {1000}];] & /@ {FHali, F}
it is 0.04s compared to 5.3s which is a factor of about 130. I'll take the TestData
that was created with your proper function, but I use my crude approximation for the fit. Note that I removed the initial guesses for the parameters (and additionally changed the Method
setting as suggested by Olek!)
steps = 0;
weightedNorm[residuals_] := Norm[residuals/TestData[[All, 2]]]
IntensityWeightedParams =
FindFit[TestData, {FHali[q, ra, rb, p], {0 < ra < 10,
5 < rb < 15}}, {ra, rb, p}, q, NormFunction -> weightedNorm,
Method -> {"NMinimize", Method -> "NelderMead"},
EvaluationMonitor :> steps++]
After only 16s (!!) I got as answer
{ra -> 4.51598, rb -> 6.77539, p -> 0.993664}
which is not bad at all if we think about that we used just 100 sampling points. Maybe this helps you think about an alternative approach for your problem.
? It is not defined. $\endgroup$u
cant be a numeric argument toP
and the integration variable inside..(?). $\endgroup$MaxIterations->1
makes no sense, it basically says do one eval and return the initial guess. $\endgroup$