I decided to make my own SmoothHistogram3D function because I wanted to be able to specify my own bin sizes and not rely on their distribution functions so taking a cue from this answer and bringing it into the 3rd dimension I created this function:
Create3DHist[histData_] := Module[{xAxis, yAxis, intensity, yAndI, xYAndI},
xAxis = histData[[1, 1]];
yAxis = histData[[1, 2]];
binCounts = histData[[2]];
(* Sorry it gets a little messy here *)
yAndI = Map[{yAxis[[1 ;; -2]], #}\[Transpose] &, binCounts];
xYAndI = Partition[Flatten[MapThread[Thread[{##}] &, {xAxis[[1 ;; -2]], yAndI}]], 3];
ListPlot3D[xYAndI, InterpolationOrder -> 3, PlotRange -> All]
(I got the idea for the xYAndI line from this answer)
which takes the result of 2d HistogramList data and creates a 3D plot with it, like this:
data = RandomVariate[BinormalDistribution[.5], 1000];
histBinnedData = HistogramList[data, {{0.2}, {0.2}}];
This produces a plot that looks like this:
However, I found I could create a much more appealing plot if I just use the binCounts and put the plot range on top of it (which is essentially the same as using BinCounts
instead of the HistogramList
ListPlot3D[histBinnedData[[2]], InterpolationOrder -> 3, PlotRange -> All, DataRange -> {{-3, 3}, {-3, 3}}]
which produces:
which is a lot smoother. However, my issue is that my smoothing algorithm uses non-equal bin sizes, so using DataRange
to place the numbers onto the axes is imperfect because the binCounts aren't evenly spaced, but are treated as such by DataRange
. However, my create3DHist
function doesn't have that issue. So after all that my question is, is there a way to combine the smoothness of the 2nd method with the x and y axis accuracy of the first method? Also, what causes this difference in smoothing even though they both use an interpolation order of 3?
Small Update:
I realized the reason why the second method comes out so much smoother is because mathematica uses a lot more points than just the array you give it to plot it for the second method. I used mesh->All
to compare how many points each plot had and got this result:
Is there anyway to extract the points in the second way and fix masses to them, or is there a way to fill in points in the first method so that it is more like the second method?
doesn't work properly on unstructured grids. $\endgroup$