Consider following expression: $$ \sqrt{-\left(2 \sqrt{x^{-8/3}-x^{-4/3}+1}\, x^{4/3}+5\right) x^{4/3}+4 \sqrt{x^{-8/3}-x^{-4/3}+1}\, x^{4/3}+2 x^{8/3}+5} $$ In code:
f[x_] := Sqrt[
-(2 Sqrt[x^(-8/3) - x^(-4/3) + 1] x^(4/3) + 5) x^(4/3)
+ 4 Sqrt[x^(-8/3) - x^(-4/3) + 1] x^(4/3) + 2 x^(8/3) + 5
Why in Mathematica one can see non smoothness at $x\sim10^4$?
Plot[f[x], {x, 0, 10^4}]
I guess, it is a numerical issue, but then how one can deal with it?
:Plot[f[x], {x, 0, 10^4}, WorkingPrecision -> 20]
gives this. $\endgroup$WorkingPrecision -> Infinity
from an answer to [7019] does not work on this example; butPPlot[N[f[x], 8], {x, 0, 10^4}, Exclusions -> None, WorkingPrecision -> Infinity]
does. I'll propose [3152] as a duplicate. $\endgroup$