I don't think that the following code will be easy to put in shortkeys file but it is a good start:
curr = EvaluationNotebook[];
nb = Documentation`HelpLookup["Plot"];
SelectionMove[Cells[nb, CellStyle -> "NotesSection"][[1]], All, Cell];
FrontEndTokenExecute[nb, "OpenCloseGroup"];
FrontEndTokenExecute[#, "WindowMiniaturize"] & /@ DeleteCases[Notebooks[], nb | curr];
What procedures above do:
- line(2): open documentation reference link
- line(3-4):open
Details & Options
- line(5): minimize all the windows except out current notebook and help.
- line(6): tile windows tall :P
Results at the bottom of the post.
reference link to FrontEndTokens
A different Idea:
Instead of creating a new shortcut for this operation it probably can be done as follows:
Capture F1 with that code but use the code from above. There will be an issue with detecting which notebooks should be minimized but I think this way is promissing. I don't have time to try it now, maybe later, but I can't promise.