If I have many possible variables related to one another, why do I need to define my function with parameters for plotting? For example, if I have an equation like:
output_value := a * b * c * d / ( e * f * g * h );
Assuming that all values are defined and have some default value, why can't I just do this to plot:
Plot[ output_value, { b, 0, 100 } ];
The annoying thing is having to do this:
output_value[aparam_, bparam_, cparam_, dparam_, eparam_, fparam_, gparam_, hparam_] := aparam * bparam * cparam * dparam / ( eparam * fparam * gparam * hparam );
and then:
With[ {aparam=a,cparam=c,dparam=d,eparam=e,fparam=f,gparam=g}, Plot[ output_value, { bparam, 0, 100 } ];
With[{a = a, c = c, ...}, ...]
. See the third example underWith
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