I have a ListlinePlot
function, that I would like to combine with both a Graphics3D
plot and a ListPointPlot3D
plot, in such a way that the ListLinePlot
is the bottom of the 3D boundary cube for the 3D plots. Can this be done in Mathematica 8.0.4?
Obviously the code below fails to combine the plots in Show
, but is there another way to accomplish this? Thanks!
twodPts = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {10, 2}];
threedPts = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {50, 3}];
{pts, surface} = TetGenConvexHull[threedPts];
twoDptsPlot = ListLinePlot[twodPts, ImageSize -> {200, 200}];
threeDPtsPlot = ListPointPlot3D[threedPts, ImageSize -> {200, 200}];
surfacePlot =
Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[], Opacity[0.3],
GraphicsComplex[pts, Polygon[surface]], ImageSize -> {200, 200}}];
Show[threeDPtsPlot, surfacePlot, ImageSize -> {200, 200},
BoxRatios -> 1, Axes -> False]}
line. $\endgroup$Texture
a plane with the 2D plot. $\endgroup$