Linked Questions

2 votes
2 answers

Projecting image or contour plot on xy-plane of Histogram3D? [duplicate]

I've generated a simple 3D histogram, where the x-y coordinates corresponding to the "location" of an event defined on a simple 160x160 grid, and the z-axis height is simply the count of events that ...
MSC02476's user avatar
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How to draw a 2D curve as epilog on a 3D surface plot?

I'd like to draw Plot[Re@Sin[x+I*2], {x, -10, 10}] as an epilog on Plot3D[Re@Sin[x + I*y], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10}] and ...
user13253's user avatar
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More on combining 2d and 3d plots

This is a spin off/follow up to Can 2D and 3D plots be combined so that the 2D plot is the bottom surface of the 3D plot boundary? ... Following Sjoerd's method, I did this: ...
JohnD's user avatar
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Embedding StreamPlot in Graphics3D

I am trying to visualise the action of the infinitesimal generator of a Lie group on the solution of a 2-ODE system drawn in the 3D space (t,y1,y2): t is time and y1,y2 are the two dependent variables....
pdini's user avatar
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5 votes
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plotting 3d and contour

How can i plot such a graph like this? I mean placing the 3d plot and the contour in the same figure
AQFarouk's user avatar
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3 votes
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Handing a list of constraint expressions to a C++ function with MathLink

I need to solve an optimization problem, which is defined in a Mathematica notebook. Using Mathematica's FindMinimum is not an option, because it is too slow. So, ...
Daniel Eberts's user avatar
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How to control the layering of graphics displayed with Show

I am trying to combine two graphics objects using Show. The first one is an isosurface: ...
molkee's user avatar
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Combine ListLinePlot and ListPlot3D using Graphics3D

I want to plot something very similar to what is plotted by @Sjoerd C. de Vries in Can 2D and 3D plots be combined so that the 2D plot is the bottom surface of the 3D plot boundary? I need to combine ...
Mencia's user avatar
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Combination of a Contourplot and a Graphics Object

I want to combine the following to graphs. ...
user8905's user avatar
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Move figures inside function Show

I have a ListLinePlot and a ListPlot3D that I want to combine using Show. I do not know how to change the positions of the figures. Here a toy example: ...
Mencia's user avatar
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